Recent content by Sandypuke

  1. Sandypuke

    Parking Charges whilst Charging

    You raise some interesting points to which I have no real answers. I’ll make the following points though: I didn’t see any signs nor did I look for them, so I can’t comment on what advice they offer which needs to be heeded or how clearly they are expressed. Secondly, if you register your car in...
  2. Sandypuke

    No sound from sat nav

    This has happened to us a couple of times. It does resolve, but only after switching out of the app and restarting it it. Adjusting the volume makes a little but not workable difference.
  3. Sandypuke

    OTA update?

    So last week I came out of the supermarket to find the car clock had reset at GMT + 2 and although the power consumption had been quite high for a couple of days (2-2.5miles/kWh) this, too had reset at a rate which would give a range of over 300miles at 100%. This week for a longish journey I...
  4. Sandypuke

    Parking Charges whilst Charging

    Thank you. That's really helpful to know. though I'm not altogether certain I would have understood it even if I had seen it before charging. I'll watch out for this in future.
  5. Sandypuke

    Parking Charges whilst Charging

    Yes. I know about this. But I have used three public Tesla chargers and all of them say “Charges may apply”. Only one actually had them in place. What I was hoping was that ZapMap (they say this information is not readily available to them) and/or Tesla could put some sort of a flag on their...
  6. Sandypuke

    Parking Charges whilst Charging

    Yes that’s right. The problem we had was not knowing this. Or that parking charges were even in place.
  7. Sandypuke

    Parking Charges whilst Charging

    I’ve just checked the Preston South site again. There are comments in the ‘chat’ (including my own) but unless I’m looking in the wrong place no other warning. I didn’t think to check the chat. I will in future! But it seems such a straightforward issue, and helpful, for such a comment to be on...
  8. Sandypuke

    Parking Charges whilst Charging

    This is worth knowing. I have no objection to paying parking charges if they’re due. I do think it could be flagged up more clearly though - both in the supercharger stations (it may have been at Preston, I just didn’t think to check) and via Tesla/ZapMap apps. Shouldn’t be too difficult to put...
  9. Sandypuke

    Parking Charges whilst Charging

    Recently had the opportunity to use the Tesla network. I was very impressed at ease of use availability of stations and cost. However, and this may not be a Tesla specific issue, we got stung at Preston South with a parking charge. The chargers are in a Holiday Inn car park and although we...
  10. Sandypuke

    Apple carplay?

    I had this problem despite changing cables. I bought a coiled Ketaki Plus cable from Amazon and it now works perfectly. I think the USB A version is currently unavailable though.
  11. Sandypuke

    Have I made a mistake?

    We’ve had our MG4 for around 3mo now. It’s our first EV and most of our ‘difficulties’ relate to our own lack of knowledge about how to drive a car that’s not fossil fuel powered. Overall both my wife and I are pretty pleased with it. The one thing I don’t like is the lane control feature...
  12. Sandypuke

    Scheduled charging

    Thanks for this tip.
  13. Sandypuke

    Scheduled charging

    Thank you. I’m using a wall charger. I haven’t set that up to control charging yet. I did wonder if that would resolve the problem. are these ‘conflicts’ common to all EVs or is this an MG issue?
  14. Sandypuke

    Scheduled charging

    OK. Sorry. I didn’t appreciate the difference. Please move the post if that’s more appropriate..
  15. Sandypuke

    Scheduled charging

    I’m new to EVs and had the MG4 Trophy for only a few weeks. I may well be doing something wrong but have twice set scheduled charging and it has failed to start whilst twice it has worked as expected. I have seen the times ‘revert’ to a schedule I have not set (is there a default?) a couple of...
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