Recent content by smokie

  1. S

    Check my firmware

    Thanks for this, interesting. Is the account tied to a particular car (I suspect not), if not is there anything to stop 2 or more MG5 owners (or even a mix of different MG owners) clubbing together for the hardware, account etc? Once you've downloaded an update presumably that file would work...
  2. S


    What's SIPS??
  3. S

    Buying a three year old MG5.....

    Sold my 3yo one a bit back for £11.6k. :) Call your friendly MG garage and ask the annual cost. Your offer does sound a lot.
  4. S

    Quirks of the MG5

    65 can be a good speed on motorways round here. I'm quite good with lane discipline and tend to move back to the slower lane once I've passed something in it. Then again I often find myself undertaking middle lane people rather than swinging right out to lane 3 even though I'm on a constant 65...
  5. S

    Front Suspension Bushings

    Daughter's MG ZS popped the water pipe leading to the rear washer during the coldest weather. It just came apart at the joint. It was clearly visible under the bonnet, just not reachable. MG dealer (somewhere near Birmingham) said they'd need to confirm the diagnosis for £130 before doing the...
  6. S

    infotainment system - limits on number of files?

    Holy thread revival :) I'm not sure it's that uncommon, ISTR my Ampera worked in s similar way. I suspect it's a limitation caused by memory size (in the car, not the USB). I now have a large SD card in my phone for media and don't bother with USB data. That way it's with me all the time...
  7. S


    @Les burrows I guess you mean the ones at the shopping precinct near MacDonalds. I suppose it's fair to say I can't give an exact answer - it was very early in the morning (dropping someone off for a 6am flight!) and I was cold and only did a 2 minute test there - however I think they must have...
  8. S

    Buying a three year old MG5.....

    You asked about service costs - in my experience the pre-FL was very cheap, but I was able to get a "low mileage" service (seemed a bit random what that was defined as, but I never did over 10k miles in one year) - 1st was £47 IIRC, 2nd a bit over £100 and the third was going to be £150 incl...
  9. S

    New car £6k more than I paid

    Exactly the same? White were much cheaper than other colours. I wanted red (to replace my red pre-FL) but missed the boat and ended up with grey which is a nice colour too. Both of those were quite a bit more than white would have been - though even during that offer period the prices did feel...
  10. S

    Bargain basement MG5 on Autotrader

    Thanks, that was an interesting watch especially as it proves my points - in fact he made even less on each of those than I thought he might. And it's not until the end that he mentions some you win some you lose, and the potential that a car might have quite significant mechanical issues they...
  11. S

    New car £6k more than I paid

    Yes, you got it cheap, the others are the standard price
  12. S

    Bargain basement MG5 on Autotrader

    Do they always make that kind of markup? I doubt it somehow, they must sometimes buy a lemon, and if it's the glass palace type dealer which we're talking about they have some serious overheads. Have you any idea of the markup on other goods you pay good money for? Food, or clothes for instance?
  13. S

    Recent Valuation 30% of what I paid less than 2 years years ago...!

    Early adopters often pay a premium on products.
  14. S


    @Muffler - as I said, I had the fix fitted at Beaconsfield a couple of weeks back and Earley was OK - but just by way of a proper test I tried another Telsa charger yesterday near Luton airport which had previously failed for me and all worked well. So I'm confident they know what they're doing.
  15. S

    Bargain basement MG5 on Autotrader

    They are taking risks to some degree, and also financing their capital outlay which may not see a return for a few weeks/months, and cover their other outgoings, and trying to make some money for themselves. And fund the mats/free tank of fuel/nodding dog or whatever else people try to negotiate...
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