Recent content by Smudger558

  1. S

    Ilukey's damaged MG4 XPower

    The idiot who bumped into it is paying its being repaired properly it's a lease car He actually left his number under wiper blade. It's nice to know there are still honest motorists about
  2. S

    Ilukey's damaged MG4 XPower

    Are poor martin got bashed yesterday
  3. S

    Better infotainment needed on MG4 / X power

    I was reasonably happy with infotainment but since I've had my id buzz van for a month it shows how crap the mg is it's like having a Tesco huddle compared to an I pad
  4. S

    Makes me Smile (XPower praise)

    My firm are paying £254 a month on a 2 year 15000 mile lease an absolute bargain
  5. S

    Makes me Smile (XPower praise)

    It's called lightyear and it sits next martin the mg xpower
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    Makes me Smile (XPower praise)

    It's my new buzz
  7. S

    Makes me Smile (XPower praise)

    A clue is vehicle not car We are thinking of getting ioniq n when are lease on xpower finished but that's a different story The electric vehicle is supplied by the company I work for I've had it since Monday and been waved at about 10 times by other owners 😀
  8. S

    Makes me Smile (XPower praise)

    I have a xpower in gorgeous grey we have had since April 24 we love it but now we are a 2 vehicle electric family and I get so many looks and people with same vehicle give me a wave . Can you guess what it is
  9. S

    Does anybody recognize this one? (MG Clive's MG4)

    Even though it doesn't have the vibe that doesn't mean it won't appear. Knowing what I know I wouldn't touch an mg with a barge pole.
  10. S

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    They will just bring out a new one next year and hope we all just go away and die absolute tossers
  11. S

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    What an absolute c u next Tuesday mg are an absolute joke
  12. S

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    I'm glad I only leased my xpower for 2 years. My car has vibration over 65 mph it's only slight but still annoying all you lot who bought your xpower I really feel for you. Mg uk are absolute tossers. Anybody thought about letting watchdog on bbc know
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