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      spistone replied to the thread Battery charge.
      Ahh found it, it’s the ‘Energy flow’ screen. thanks, your instructions were spot on!
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      spistone replied to the thread Battery charge.
      Well it works well! 😂 I’m still a bit confused, isn’t the menu you refer to the one with tyre pressures and 12V battery (like in my...
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      spistone replied to the thread Battery charge.
      Ps: @DMeine, your English is perfect 😀
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      spistone replied to the thread Battery charge.
      That’s right, while useful that is not relevant to how the car will drive. I’m looking for a way to find out how much the HV battery...
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      spistone replied to the thread Battery charge.
      Can you tell where that is or send me a pic? The one where it gives you tyre pressures seems to refer to the standard battery voltage...
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      Hi everyone! Just got a ZS Hybrid + and loving it, but a bit puzzled by the EV vs. HEV ‘mode’, as EV only seems to become available...
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