Recent content by stefiano

  1. S

    Granny charger connected not charging

    I’ve just done exactly that and still “connected - not charging” . The box has a power light and I’ve tried it in 3 different sockets so far and still not working sadly
  2. S

    Granny charger connected not charging

    I’ve tried 2 sockets so far but not with an extension lead ( I believe I need a slightly bigger millimetre cable?) It’s charged fine on both a rapid one and a wall box one at a friends house. Thanks for the reply !
  3. S

    Granny charger connected not charging

    Hello I have an MG4 for only a couple of days and come to use the granny charger for the first time at home. No extension cables just straight from plug socket out the window. It says “connected- not charging” and I cannot get it to charge. Does anyone have any tips ?!
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