Recent content by STMDUK

  1. S

    Quick ZS EV tyre PSA

    You're right, the 5, HS (outgoing model), some 3's and the ZS all moved over to the Maxxis; as you said, offered a lower price or working on production cost reduction of current models. The new HS come on Bridgestone, the 4 is on Conti's and Bridgestone as OEM and the 3 Hybrid comes on Kumho...
  2. S

    MG ZSEV 2 year service. Pollen Filter replacement be careful!

    No such thing as ignorance when wanting to do a good job, so I applaud you. The slot that the filter goes into, pull the filter out, pop the crevice tool on the vac and clean out any debris that may have fallen into there, that way it keeps the fan assembly clear.
  3. S

    Pink Liquid Coolant

    That's how I'd play it. The wrong coolant and a HV battery don't seem like happy bedfellows at all.
  4. S

    Corrosion protection

    I lanoguard all of our cars that we've owned and have been doing so for the last decade, so I was happy to see someone else doing it. It's a bit of a faff, but the underneath of the wife's ZS looks brand new in comparison to the average and adds a little piece of mind; especially when her work...
  5. S

    MG ZSEV 2 year service. Pollen Filter replacement be careful!

    I often despair at some dealerships. My old man is a time served mechanic and I recall him always saying to get the shop vac out and clean out any debris before fitting a new air/cabin filter to avoid issues such as this, belt and braces; a bit of care of attention on the techs part would take...
  6. S

    Quick ZS EV tyre PSA

    Sorry for the delay chap, we've been away for a few days visiting family. It was the original tyres that came on the car, the Maxxis Bravo's. They've done 13k since the car was new so it was a bit of a suprise, especially when my work fleet ZS LR I've been using for 6 months have the same tyres...
  7. S

    Quick ZS EV tyre PSA

    Morning all, Just a quick message to ask for everyone to check their tyres if at all possible. The wife's ZS went in for it's first service yesterday and got a rather alarming message from the service team a few hours after dropping it off.... 3/4 tyres has egg shaped deformations out of the...
  8. S

    Granny charger hilarity

    I apologise for asking a dippy question but in a bit of a bind! I’m no newbie to EV’s having been driving them for over a decade (scarily!), and we know that granny chargers are a back up option unless you rarely use the car. We always use the dual wallbox at home with no dramas. However...
  9. S

    Clarks Kidderminster - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    Honestly, not impressed. There's a couple of experiences here so I'll do my best to break them up. (A useful FYI, Clarks of Kidderminster ran both the Kia/MG/Suzuki franchise on the same site, just down the road is Kidderminster Motor House which until a few months ago was a Citroen Dealer. It...
  10. S

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    To be fair, I've reached a point of complete disconnection when it comes to arguing with the anti-EV brigade. There is nothing we can say that will ever convince them that Katie Hopkins, the Daily Fail, Jeremy Clarkson or anyone else are spouting utter sh**e into their heads. I'm nearly 12...
  11. S

    Bad day. Battery drop from 13% to 1%.

    This has happened to me in the E2008 and my old Polestar. Parked with a low, but not critical battery and came back to it being 1% or so. I think this is a technical quirk of current battery tech rather than anything particular with the car itself, especially with liquid cooled battery cars; as...
  12. S

    Tyre choice FYI

    That's actually a good question, I did. They were bob on correct. I tried taking them down a couple of PSI too just in case that helped, but no such luck. I don't think they are a terrible tyre as we have them on some other cars on fleet, but I think they prehaps don't quite suit the cars...
  13. S

    Tyre choice FYI

    Just a heads up ladies and gents, I'm a fleet manager, and we have around 20 MG4's on local fleet currently. A couple of the cars have had new tyres put on, and the tyre company in question are suggesting Pirelli Powergy's or Bridgestone Turanza's. On I took one of our 4's in for some new...
  14. S

    ZS and E2008 comparison from a owner

    Exactly this. The Leafs were great but I really like the MG, it is a ronseal car for sure!
  15. S

    ZS and E2008 comparison from a owner

    Thank you for the kind words. I really feel that Peugoet missed a trick with the 208/2008 and the same issues and faults were creeping in with the cars on our work fleet. It is a great car, until you drive it for any period of time! Since having the MG, I haven't had a moment where we feel we...
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