thei's latest activity

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    thei replied to the thread MG4 Software Update Thread.
    It's the same for me, for a downgrade only the AVN folder and the *.ZIP file contained therein must be in the root of the USB stick! No...
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    thei replied to the thread MG4 Software Update Thread.
    I think the servers are not available! Just flashed to R46. Now when activating I get "Exception in security check service"
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    thei reacted to the happy bunny's post in the thread MG4 Software Update Thread with Like Like.
    It seems your system can’t connect to the server. Is your car a “real” Trophy or an SE running under 1300R63? What you could try...
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    thei replied to the thread MG4 Software Update Thread.
    I tried it today too, it's the same for me! I always get the same message about abnormal parameters in the main menu and in the...
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    thei reacted to ntangle's post in the thread MG4 Software Update Thread with Like Like.
    Click on the activate button in the engineer menu Then click on clear data & exit Reboot the head unit, and then when it is back...
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    thei replied to the thread MG4 Software Update Thread.
    @ntangle can you please take one or more photos of the menu? I know the developer menu, but I don't know where to delete the current...
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    thei replied to the thread MG4 Software Update Thread.
    I have exactly the same problem when I flash on R59 or R63, the weather and the user area don't work! When I flash R46 everything works...
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    thei reacted to ntangle's post in the thread MG4 Software Update Thread with Like Like.
    Being a noob to all of this, how is that done? SIPS?
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