Recent content by Tim Green

  1. T

    MG ZS Steering Fault - clicking when turning

    Please see my note above on #262.
  2. T

    Corrosion protection

    I have looked at the same area on my car and it seems to be in good condition, no rust visible. I wonder if there was some reason why water was reaching that bracket in Pastrami’s car because some protective cover was missing or broken, or it could just be badly painted?
  3. T

    How long should the 12 volt, battery last ?

    There is no doubt there are good batteries and bad batteries, often down to how they were treated before use in a car. If there is any doubt about any particular battery, best to just change it for a new one. I also recommend Tayna who do next day delivery.
  4. T

    Rapid charging only 22kW on Mk2 MG ZS EV SR

    Is yours a long range mk2? If so, it could be the charging profile is different from my mk1? Also trying to start a charge on DC at 70% could be the reason for a low charge rate as this starts to fall as it gets near 80%.
  5. T

    How long should the 12 volt, battery last ?

    I think that is too much information! Dropping to 12V regulary is not what I would like to see!
  6. T

    Rapid charging only 22kW on Mk2 MG ZS EV SR

    On my mk1, it takes about a half hour to charge from say 10 miles to 165 miles which equates to about 40kWh, so that must be more that 22kW. How long does it take on the granny, which is only 3kW?
  7. T

    Corrosion protection

    I must say, the state of the bracket containing the charge point is terrible. I must try to have a look at my car in that area.
  8. T


    I think the external air temperature affects the level of Kers, at least until the car is "warmed up".
  9. T

    MG ZS EV (Exclusive) 69 Plate : Software Revisions

    I have one of these, purchased in Jan 2020. There have been software updates along the way, but no recalls. If it has been serviced every year as per warranty requirement, all the software should be up to date. We have just had a recall for the charging flap. I would not want to buy one without...
  10. T

    2020 ZS EV not charging on schedule

    I believe the Mk1 has no facilities to arrange any charging schedule itself, so it must be done externally via the charger. I use a podpoint charger with an external timer controlling the "inhibit" function on the Podpoint. That seems to work fine.
  11. T

    Stupid mistake no roof rails

    You could try a scrapyard? Spares 24/7 might help?
  12. T

    MG ZS Steering Fault - clicking when turning

    Also, as I say repeatedly, the steering column is hugely safety-critical and if there is any clicking noises AT ALL from there it should be investigated by the dealer - many columns have been replaced under warranty which is the only safe solution.
  13. T

    ZS EV charge flap / door broken - warranty is flaky.

    On my Mk1 the charging flap has just been replaced under a recall at no cost. There was nothing wrong with the old one!
  14. T

    Different battery voltage readings

    It could be the voltages are being measured at different points. If the lower voltage is measured near a load taking 1amp, it only needs the connecting wire to have a resistance of 0.5 ohm to give that reading.
  15. T

    5th Service Confusion

    Yes, I had ours done in January, done by Waylands. It was about £450, and included changing the coolant but the transmission oil should be changed at the 4th service (and was done). All laid out in the service schedule.(see above). Also today we had the charging port cover replaced which is a...
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