Recent content by TonyF

  1. TonyF

    Should I get an Xpower?

    As far as I know, it's only when planted. 😁
  2. TonyF

    Cars you’ve smoked ?

    Gawd, I'm silly enough at my advanced age, in my 20s I'd have been in a ditch within a week. We lost a few friends to over enthusiasm back then. It's much quicker than my then quick bike!
  3. TonyF

    Should I get an Xpower?

    You'll love your new XP. It's acceleration is out of this world - my mate calls mine a spacecar - "my stomach got turned inside out" + lots of swearing! And that was only launching in normal. Launch is hilarious fun. Plenty of ICE cars have higher max speeds, but very few reach legal limits as...
  4. TonyF

    Just taken the plunge and I already need more advice!

    A 2022 is 3 years old. If it's a 2022 , the price should be far less than what the same dealer is selling 2025, or even 2024 models. When you sell it, the buyer will only offer 2022 prices, even though it's basically identical. The build date should be stamped on the car (maybe a plaque). In...
  5. TonyF

    Strange charging problem MG4 51

    According to iSmart, my XPower charges on granny at 1.3 to 1.6kW. Usually 1.4-1 5. My solar app tells me charging draws 1.5 to 1.9kW. I assume peak charging occurs at peak draw, so ~2-300W are lost. All figures approximate.
  6. TonyF

    MG4 in Australia

    I know you notice more people driving the same car as you after you buy, but it's taken me 4 months to see 5 other #MG4s on a trip between the mountains and Penrith - a red, another blue, Camden grey, silver, & XPower green. I thought I saw more, but it was too hard to tell while driving. 😁...
  7. TonyF

    Cars you’ve smoked ?

    One of the reasons I enjoy it. I zoom off at the lights, hit the speed limit, and then drive sensibly. I like to think some owners might think "uncle Stu told me EVs are expensive, slow, and hopeless, but that cheap little EV was fast, smooth, and quiet. Effortless. Hmmm..." Well, I tell...
  8. TonyF

    Cars you’ve smoked ?

    Judging by the angry exhaust noises when I let him pass as the limit changed, **TXR6 seemed quite upset with me today. People are going to go past if you don't do the limit, cobber. 🤷‍♂️ It was funny, as I passed him, I heard a huge roar - the vibration has never sounded that bad 😂 - but it...
  9. TonyF

    MY24 annoying signal recognition bug

    How very dare they? Long live smurf blue!
  10. TonyF

    3000 km report

    Most of my driving is in 80km/h zones - I've only done about 500km in 100/110 zones, which probably helps. Living at ~650m and travelling between 100 and 1000m, I get good regen out or back every drive, which must help. I'm mostly in normal, but am prone to planting it around twonks 😂 Coming...
  11. TonyF

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    I've been seeing more and more MG4s in my neck of the woods. Massive discounts late last year (Australia) saw a huge spike in sales = many more on the road. I see all the "colours" but mostly orange, white, camden, and some blue. Had a great reaction passing an orange on the highway - huge...
  12. TonyF

    3000 km report

    After nearly four months my XPower has travelled 3000km, small potatoes to some, but a milestone to me. I'm getting comfortable now. Some lifetime stats: Average speed: 40 km/h (WHAT? 🙄) Juice use: 16.3kWh/100km (3.81 miles/kWh) Unexpected reversing: 4 (OPD always on, seems to happen after...
  13. TonyF

    XPower (only) colour POLL

    Mine was originally advertised as Brixton Metallic Blue. It's not metallic at all. 😂 I notice MG Australia now calls it Brixton Blue Premium. I just call it highlighter blue. Anecdotally, I get more "oh wow, I love that colour" comments from women. I can't complain about that! 😉😂
  14. TonyF

    Xpower as a hot hatch

    Megalong Valley is about 30min from my home. One way in, one way out. It's very tight in sections - tight enough that I'm faster through there on a small moto than a larger more powerful moto, let alone a car. I haven't taken the XPower down because of the tight sections. That said, there are a...
  15. TonyF

    MG4 in Australia

    Eeek! 😱 I saw that, somehow missed it had been ripped off (I thought the dealer had done a number on it getting it off). [Makes note to watch out for puddles]
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