Recent content by turntoport

  1. T

    Eco Mode: Single Motor mode?

    only if the acceleration ('deceleration' if you prefer to not deal with negative values of acceleration) required (i.e. brake-pedal urgency) exceeds the traction available from the rear-wheels/motor. Actually, rear-wheel braking is in many ways better, as it aids line stability, reduces nosedive...
  2. T

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    correct. But there are 'roos, wombats and quite a few other viscous creatures jumping out at you.
  3. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Holy sh!t. I'm still engaged in what nearly amounts to open warfare here. In the time i've spent 'communicating' with various MG folk to no avail, i could have mined the ore, smelted, cast, rolled, tempered, cut (hacksaw), drilled, cleaned, polished, plated (in my own made-up chem bath) and...
  4. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    May i ask where did you get your car (undertray) fixed, Otterks?
  5. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Agreed. But still poor engineering practice. Even cheap countersunk hex would cost just a couple of cents more; countersinking the plate holes another couple of cents; cheapness for the sake of it always costs...
  6. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Still a 'cheapest possible' bodge, though - they haven't even used mushroom-head bolts/screws: using 2-cent hex on an undertray is just...ughhh.
  7. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    How'd it go, DaevM?
  8. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Yeah, same sort of obfuscating/derisive/aggressive/ ignorance-pleading crap I've had for two years now, but after another month of phone calls+ visit to the dealer, no further forward. The original sale point dealer has agreed to 'look at it', though, while denying knowledge of any fix. While...
  9. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    tried to get my 2-yr (from day 1) bendy scoopy tray booked in today. Strewth, what a fight. Obfuscation, ignorance, unwillingness. 0/10 for post-sales customer service, SAIC MG. A very good vfm ev ruined by absolutely crap service. May i ask you good folk which dealers have provided this fix...
  10. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    yep it's just physics: The air passing the underfloor tray is somewhat accelerated by the 'venturi' effect of the form passing over it (hence F1 racing teams using skirty ground-hugging car bodies - see Mercedes recent porpoising cars...), so the actual 'speed' of the air passing the body is...
  11. T

    Honda + Nissan

    Yeah; sorry, I was being sarcastic. Hydrogen is a wonderful solution but the tech is still very early in terms of maturity; most non-engineers don't fully understand Technology Readiness and System Readiness.
  12. T

    Honda + Nissan

    Well the H₂ Mirai is selling well. (Not, unsurprisingly). Honda were, with the 'e' (imo, I owned one for a year), well ahead of all the rest, except for the inexplicable and ill-considered decision to put a small battery in it; a classic example of board/gaffer hubris overruling customer demand...
  13. T

    Driving through a Ford

    My ford got driven through once, by a 44-ton lorry on a German autobahn.
  14. T

    I will never buy another MG ever again ?

    Could you go easier on the "Waaayyyy back in '83... please, stevegus. A discreetly British 'a while ago' would feel nicer.
  15. T

    I will never buy another MG ever again ?

    robertb nails it: cars aren't an 'asset' unless you are stupendously lucky and/or time your purchase with a fad-bubble just right. And Muffler's first post 'gets it' too. EV tech is changing remarkably quickly - perhaps aided by ever-more rapid/efficient science (benefiting from the accelerant...
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