Recent content by ukslim

  1. ukslim

    Password / app sharing

    Hello, I've been away a while, but I had to get this off my chest. I've just bought a Eufy robot vacuum. It has a phone app. You sign up for the app, then you choose "add device" and it'll pair with the robot. Then if you want to, you invite someone else -- your spouse, whatever -- to install...
  2. ukslim


    Well, that's a lesson for us all. I find it a little disappointing that we have the chore of managing a balancing schedule. Oh well; I guess my next EV will have fixed it.
  3. ukslim

    Drive Modes

    My wife chooses Eco, not to save energy, but because she's uncomfortable with the acceleration she gets in normal. Of course, another way to accelerate more gently is to use less pedal. But Eco does encourage you to accelerate less aggressively, and hence use less charge reaching your cruising...
  4. ukslim

    Benefits of connecting to WiFi?

    Yes, you can do this. You don't need to. But if you don't have 4G reception where you park your car at home, this allows you to communicate with the car - for example to remotely start the heater, check the charge etc.
  5. ukslim

    Rear seatbelt sockets

    Bought! - thanks both.
  6. ukslim

    Rear seatbelt sockets

    Does anyone else find it awkward how the rear seatbelt sockets sink into the hole in the upholstery? It makes it really fiddly fastening my daughter in (she's in a booster seat). I've sort of helped by wrapping bubble-wrap around it, to keep it pushed out of the hole. But it's still not great...
  7. ukslim

    MG4 hasn’t charged overnight again…

    That's a shame to hear. My experience of Ohme technical support, last August was very good. There was a problem with the car rejecting the charge when Intelligent Octopus gave it a little blast in the evening, then a gap, then resumed at 11pm. They looked at logs, to which they have access...
  8. ukslim

    Charging energy consumption

    I guess those smart ones have to be paired with a WiFi network, which would cause frustration if you're using it when charging at someone else's property. I was just considering putting my non-smart one (similar to this -...
  9. ukslim

    My smart app not working just when need it

    This often happened for me with the old version of the app too. Swipe down to refresh, it can take a few goes. When it eventually gets linked up and shows the current charge, the remote controls will work too. ... except when MG's servers are down, and then it'll just stay broken until they...
  10. ukslim

    MG4 hasn’t charged overnight again…

    These are customer support issues; get the customer support you're entitled to! (Oh, I see you've booked it in. Good) For the charging schedules - I think the Ohme scheduling is better than the car's, so I'd disable scheduling on the car and manage the schedules with the Ohme app. The first...
  11. ukslim

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    For an MG, the 7 year warranty stays with the car when it's sold on. After the 7 years though, buyer beware - although I don't believe the risk of the battery wearing out are as high as many doom-mongers like to say. I think there's a glaring opportunity for insurance companies to come up with...
  12. ukslim

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    Google ceased support for Android 8.1 on 10 Jan 2021. You're unlikely to see MG target it. Android 11 is the oldest version still in support, and I suspect that's only got a couple more months left in it. Android OS These dates are for "security support", btw. That means they've ceased to...
  13. ukslim

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    Well, I'm afraid it's all gut-feel from me. But my gut feel says frequent small 7kW top-ups is better for battery health than rapid charging. It's fairly widely acknowledged that rapid charging is the worst thing for battery health -- but increasingly recognised that even that isn't the end of...
  14. ukslim

    MG4 USB ports?

    A starting point perhaps: My home-brew Arduino OBD-II connection kit
  15. ukslim

    Purchasing this week/advice

    You're probably going to need a Type 2 cable for public charging. And it's reassuring to have a 13A "Granny cable" (plugs into a normal socket) - whether you use it often, or just know it's there for emergencies. So try and barter the dealer into throwing in both. It seems to be inconsistent...
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