Yeah I might request it to be added by Draggy.
So you gave me an idea, a phone can get GPS and heading via the built in compass. Is this feasible to have an app built or is there not enough resolution?
Sorry guys, I'm hoping you can help me with something else. Thanks for the GPS stuff so far, but I need to somehow work out the drift angle around the track. Is this even possible?
The output file from draggy has heading which I think is the direction the car is pointing. Then using the GPS...
Thank you Dixie, that seemed to work out the values. Although there's still something off about them I need to pull some hair out over.
Not drift school Australia, it's Eastern Creek in NSW. Got a friend to do a test drive to see if we can work out the GPS format. Divide by 60 is on the right...
There's an option to export the data as a VBO file, here's a sample. I've tried many different positioning systems but I've come up with nothing. I'm going to try and contact support but I don't expect a quick or even meaningful response. The actual race data was captured at -33.8036869078748...
Hey decrep,
I've got draggy but I can't figure out the format of the GPS coordinate system. Looks like this
-2028.256500 -9052.102980
Do you have any information on how I can use this? Cheers
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