Recent content by wbuczolich

  1. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    @haloweenhamster check/post your FICM-MCU-Version. Mine is from the R59 update package. I am now back on R46 (but kept the FICM-MCU-Update) but didn't have any Bluetooth pairing issues for the last 2 weeks (that's when i did the downgrade from r59 to r46). I haven't noticed any other...
  2. W

    Hot spot wifi not working

    Do you get the "Initialization is failed" Error message when manually updating the weather info? also, is your "user" app working (loading POIs for example)? I couldn't get the weather app working on r59 and r63 and went back to r46, where it is working good. other users still have a working...
  3. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Just a short question regarding activation. When i did activation from the engineering menu on r59 and r63 during the last weeks i got a security exception on my first button push on 'activate avn' and OK on my second try. Is this normal behaviour?
  4. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I spent so much time updating, downgrading, factory resetting and de-/reactivating lately, that i honestly need a break. Especially because the outcome of all this is a little bit random. I will drive r46 for a couple of days to see if the bluetooth pairing issues are gone, because that was my...
  5. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    When i look at the german translation, its harder to understand than the english version. they just took the native language and ran it through an autotranslate with no context...
  6. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    The driver screen is completely independent from the infotainment system
  7. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I went back to R46. On R63 or R59 the weather and user app would only work immediately after reactivating the device. After a restart both would stop working. This problem occurred after going from R59 to R63, going back to R59 didn't change the behaviour. Back to R46 and its ok again...
  8. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I ordered a set of wheels (rims, tyres and sensors) for the winter season from an online shop. They put universal TPMS sensors (MAX SELECT SENSOR Flying-Wing MXSAB001) in the wheels, that were programmed to communicate with a MG4, but not exactly MY MG4. Changed the wheels at home. Got a TPMS...
  9. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Is it really a temperature difference? to me it feels that after 20/30 minutes in the car, the hvac starts to blow significantly colder then it did at the beginning of the ride... But this behaviour was the same on R46, 59 and 63, so it's not (only) a FICM issue
  10. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    it's the same on R59. After the servers were repaired yesterday i reactivatd my device and got a weather forecast. but just half an hour after it stopped working ("implementation is failed"). The servers seem to be pretty unstable. i can't recommend reseting the activation, because if...
  11. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I contacted austrian support/service yesterday, and even told them the server thats not working. They (someone with title 'technical lead') replied that everything was fine. I then contacted the email that is given in the ismart smartphone app, but didn't get any response yet. Got the up...
  12. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Here is my Status-Page: I will extend it as soon as the system is back up
  13. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    what error? maybe theres a hidden file in the avn_mpu folder. Only the file is allowed in that folder. Google for "windows show hidden files" to make sure there are no other files in that folder. Did some more code analysis: Activation basically checks if the car (VIN) and the...
  14. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    "AVN MPU" should be the main OS of the infotainment system "Infotainment ECU" should be the second part
  15. W

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    go to settings->system tap 5x on the system version input 200519 from there you should be able to do the downgrade
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