Recent content by Wolfy

  1. W

    Archived New Type 2 Charging Cable

    Hi Alb,Thanks for the info, sorry but I do not know how to send a PM!! Regards Les
  2. W

    Archived New Type 2 Charging Cable

    Hi Jeff, many thanks for your reply.I would like to go ahead with this purchase at your convenience no rush! If you send me bank details I will transfer money as soon as. Kind regards Les
  3. W

    Archived New Type 2 Charging Cable

    Hi is this still available.If so how much including postage?Kind regards Wolfy
  4. W

    Mud flap kits

    Hi Les Gas,have look on EBay I had the mudflats and badges from there and fitted no problem and still on good as new. Good luck Wolfy
  5. W

    Mud flap kits

    Mud flaps fitting
  6. W

    Mud flap kits

    Hi, I fitted some after market mud flats and managed to fit them without removing wheels. Prior to this I purchased 4 MG Badges and stuck them on with a good quality glue (Evostic) and leave overnight. They look really cool in blue as is blue car, but can get in different colours. Hope this...
  7. W

    Led Bulbs

    Many thanks for your reply. I will have a look into that also the reversi g lights would be a good idea! Regards Wolfy
  8. W

    Led Bulbs

    Hi, thanks for the info, I will give it a try. Regards Wolfy
  9. W

    Led Bulbs

    Hi, can anyone help me to find led bulbs to fit interior and rear number plate for my 2020 MGzs ev. I have fitted led headlight bulbs and what a difference it makes and I did not break any clips!! Any help would be appreciated, Regards Wolfy
  10. W

    Led Bulbs

    Hi, can anyone help me to find led bulbs to fit interior and rear number plate for my 2020 MGzs ev. I replaced my headlights with led lights and what a difference it makes, and I did not break any clips!! Regards Wolfy.
  11. W

    Charging Port Light - Your Thoughts ?.

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I have now fitted the light but on a different position. I have placed on the shelf below which allows the light to shine up. There is a slight dip in middle of the shelf and I have positioned to the left of this and I feel this lights up better. The flap opens and...
  12. W

    Charging Port Light - Your Thoughts ?.

    Hi, what a great idea so I went to Poundland today and grabbed the last 2 on the shelf. Thanks Wolfy
  13. W

    Battery SOH

    Good News everyone I have the car booked in at Chorley for week on friday Plus a courtesy car! I must add that they were very nice and obliging Keep you posted.
  14. W

    Battery SOH

    OK, thanks actually I only use the granny charger never used a rapid.! Keep you posted
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