I bet someone will odds on, but the question for me is why did MG Motors (SAIC) not do it ?Looked a that this morning and it's perfect for what is needed.
Wonder if an aftermarket company would produce a cover with a frunk?
Yes an oversight or even for them to produce an aftermarket version and make a bit more money out of us!I bet someone will odds on, but the question for me is why did MG Motors (SAIC) not do it ?
Is it literally a plastic box put in the gap or did you secure it in any way?I had a similar setup in my ZS and found the idea to be excellent. It kept the type 2 cable right where you need it - at the front beside the charge socket. I removed it when I traded the car for the LR5 three weeks ago but haven’t managed to get round to spend time investigating under the bonnet yet.
I love what they’ve done with that vehicle- very similar to how my last few (diesel) vehicles ended up when I was working, all racked out to work all over Scotland carrying all the tools and plumbing / electrical spares I might need. Ahh memories - and I wince at the thought of how much money I could have saved ?
Hi Prof1967, I was just wondering how did the new light bulbs performed, please be honest is it worth while fitting the night breakers how much improvement is there if any like to have your comments pleaseHad my cover off this afternoon to change out the bulbs for night breakers. The sole purpose of the plastic frame underneath appears to be just to support the plastic cover.
The only concern I would have in fitting a plastic box in the space is that there are quite a few pipes and cables in that area that any box might rub against over time.
isn't that where an engine would normally go in the petrol version? presumably this is accounted for in the rest of the vehicle frame?Surely MG or insurwnce company would void your policy and insurance by doing this if you had a crash? Because the front space is not designed by the manufacturer to carry anything between all of those pipes and components I bet you'd have a problem if anything happened.
As the poster on the French site says, it'll be even better when he has cut and replaced the engine cover.
Facelift. New MG5 LFP 50 or NMC 61 kWhOnly downside for me is that my support structure is different to that one, whether it's a difference with the facelift or EU cars I don't know.
one cable T2-T222 litres is a useful bit of storage, and the fact that it has a lid is good
Hi yeh I think you could be dead right there is a difference some how as on my MK1 mg5 I had no problem in getting the T2 cable and it bag under the bonnet often did that when the boot was load with luggage but now I have got the Face lifted MK2 mg5 there does not appear to be has not as much clearance between the motor cover and the under side of the bonnet also under the bonnet is now lined with a sound deadening pad I think it is so I’m not sure I can do that with the cable in the bag any more but there should be enough space if I take the cable out of the bag and perhaps wind it around the motor cover and maybe touch the plugs down somewhere I could be wrong not try as yet.looking at them picture on the French site maybe they have removed the frame from under the cover I think it’s only there the support the motor cover in the first place but again I could be wrongAwesome bit of work.
As the poster on the French site says, it'll be even better when he has cut and replaced the engine cover.
22 litres is a useful bit of storage, and the fact that it has a lid is good. £13 from IKEA UK.
Only downside for me is that my support structure is different to that one, whether it's a difference with the facelift or EU cars I don't know.
My dealer is okI've done similar myself but be aware that your dealer 'will' throw a strop telling you it's a fire hazard etc etc. if you ever need to go back to them for anything.
Wonder if an aftermarket company would produce a cover with a frunk?