Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine


Established Member
Aug 26, 2024
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MG3 Hybrid+ Trophy
Several YT videos show how difficult it is for the MG3's hybrid engine to climb high mountains.
In fact, it seems that when the high-voltage battery is empty, the combustion engine no longer delivers enough power to climb the mountain. Some people talk about having to park on the side of the road and wait 20 minutes for the regenerator to refill the high-voltage battery.
There is also talk of a software update that would have rectified this problem.

Similarly, on steep downhill gradients, if the high-voltage battery is full, the driver would be forced to coast and use the conventional brake to apply full braking without the aid of the engine brake.

Can anyone tell us about their experience and sort out the true from the false?
While I had concerns about going downhill as you said, going uphill should not be any problem. Petrol engine is over 100HP in this car, why would it struggle to climb any hill?
While I had concerns about going downhill as you said, going uphill should not be any problem. Petrol engine is over 100HP in this car, why would it struggle to climb any hill?
Totally agree, YT videos or not, I find it hard to believe, it struggles up hills. ?
How big is the hill?:eek:
steep hill.png
Would selecting level 3 brake regen, not help on the downhill?
But what would happen in the situation when batteries are fully charged? I assume that you cannot put more energy in them, therefore you have to turn off regen. In normal car, you can always use your engine to engine-brake, but the question is, if in MG3 the petrol engine would start, to do this? If not, you rely only on disc brakes, which can overheat if used for too long.
But what would happen in the situation when batteries are fully charged? I assume that you cannot put more energy in them, therefore you have to turn off regen. In normal car, you can always use your engine to engine-brake, but the question is, if in MG3 the petrol engine would start, to do this? If not, you rely only on disc brakes, which can overheat if used for too long.
Hybrid technology has been around for a fair number of years now. Toyota use a smaller battery in the Yaris and don't seem to have an issue with hill decent, so I can't see why the MG with its larger battery would be any different.
Would selecting level 3 brake regen, not help on the downhill?
On the contrary!

On a downhill run, the high-voltage batteries will very quickly be completely topped up, either by braking downhill or by using level 1, 2 or 3 regeneration.
When the high-voltage batteries are full, what can be done with the extra electricity produced and sent to the high-voltage batteries?
Hybrid technology has been around for a fair number of years now. Toyota use a smaller battery in the Yaris and don't seem to have an issue with hill decent, so I can't see why the MG with its larger battery would be any different.
Toyota use only hybrid series mode and dont have 3-speed gear box
See my reply above. I think it's people looking for a problem, when none exists. Otherwise all hybrid vehicle owners would be reporting issues. I don't have any long steep descents in my area, so I can't rule it out, but I would be surprised if it's a significant issue. It's not built to be a hot hatch, so if it's driven sensibly, I can't see an issue. But I stand to be corrected.
Mai multe videoclipuri și arată cât de mult este pentru motorul hibrid al lui MG3 să urce munți înalți.
De fapt, se pare că atunci când bateria de înaltă tensiune este goală, motorul cu ardere nu oferă mai suficientă putere pentru a urca muntele. Unii oameni vorbesc că trebuie să parcheze pe marginea drumului și să aștepte 20 de minute pentru ca regeneratorul să umple bateria de înaltă tensiune.
Se vorbește și despre actualizarea software-ului care ar fi remediat această problemă.

În mod similar, pe pante abrupte de coborare, dacă bateria de înaltă tensiune este plină, șoferul va fi forțat să se deplaseze în roate și să folosească frâna convențională pentru a aplica frânarea completă fără ajutorul frânei de motor.

Poate cineva să nu spună despre experiența lor și să distingă adevăratul de fals?

Deși aveam îngrijorări cu privire la coborârea la vale, așa cum ați spus, urcarea nu ar trebui să fie nicio problemă. Motorul pe benzină are peste 100 CP în această mașină, de ce s-ar chinui să urce orice deal?
Vezi răspunsul meu mai sus. Cred că sunt oameni care caută o problemă, când nu există. În caz contrar, toți proprietarii de vehicule hibride ar raporta probleme. Nu am coborâri lungi abrupte în zona mea, așa că nu pot exclude, dar aș fi surprins dacă este o problemă semnificativă. Nu este construită pentru a fi o trapă fierbinte, așa că dacă este condusă cu prudență, nu văd nicio problemă. Dar trebuie să fiu corectat.
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