Could you elaborate on this? If I put the car in P then turn off the auto lights (which at least turns off the tail lights, thank God), then the front lights are still blazing. I can't really say what "blazing" means, only that after dark it's serious light pollution and I'm a bit tired of explaining this to uncomprehending neighbours in camp sites who are understandably baffled as to why I'm putting a blindfold on the car.
What is this "sidelight" setting you refer to?
If this is actually a bug, then it would make it a lot easier to press for a fix, I think.
I also think lots of individual letters might have more traction than a single petition.
Indeed, the more I think about this, the more I'm inclined to contact MG and represent this as a bug, along with the other (SE only) bug that still remains after R33 was applied, that is the inability to disable the automatic central locking. However, I could do with a bit more detailed understanding as to the nature of the bug. I think all the lights should go out if I switch off the auto-lights. Is that all it is, when you actually get down to it?