2021 mg zsHi, what car do you have?
Could be a poor 12v battery
The car should still be under warranty so a trip to the dealers is needed.It shows stability control fault and traction fault in turn off it self when the engine is on.
Any idea please
Don't know what to do
A better test would be 2 or even better 6 hours after turning off.It's starting well after 5 minutes turning off the engine.
Not wanting to disagree (a battery is a good shout) but those do appear related (not sure if they are saying the car turns itself off though??) but if not those symptoms suggest something ABS related.A laundry list of apparently unrelated symptoms usually indicates a bad 12V battery, as already mentioned. If you are handy with a multimeter and the 12V battery has never been replaced (3-4 years old), then you could save some money by replacing it yourself, if the readings indicated a bad 12V battery.
A better test would be 2 or even better 6 hours after turning off.
But it could be a failing alternator or charging system.