Correct, (all?) MG5 have a manual battery heating option but it’s function differs to MG4 (ZS?)
On the MG5 (Trophy) it’s called ‘Battery Heating While Driving’ and its purpose is to increase rapid charging rates. You have to time it exactly so the temperature is at max just before you start DC charging.
For best results use an OBD dongle/app to monitor battery temperature.
See also
I drove to Leeds and back in the last few days and thought I'd give the Tesla charger at Trumpington (Cambridge) a go. On the way up I only seemed to get 30-35 kW on the way back down I thought I'd give the battery pre-heating a try and put it on 30 mins before the stop and charged at 70-75kW...
MG4’ s ‘Intelligent Battery Heating’ is used to pre-heat the battery before driving.