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  1. C

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Agree we are all different for sure. The car is amazing , totally love it, i did not overly choose it for the power as such, i chose it because i wanted an MG4 but preferred the alloys and interior trim and exterior plastic being gloss over the other versions and like 4wd. Not had a 4wd car...
  2. C

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Also will be very interesting to see how constant hammering and asking the full 320kW over 5C discharge albeit bursts will affect battery health over long term. At lower charge levels there must be some significant voltage drop under the load.
  3. C

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Also 2 weeks in and driven in eco 99.5% of the time. Only put it in sport for about 10 seconds on a slip road entry to feel the pickup but even then only about half pedal travel🫣. Eco is lovely and smooth and with mine at least if you plant pedal to floor the front motor will cut in briefly but...
  4. C

    MG4 X Power Roll Call and mods.

    indeed, my under bonnet nicely cleaned and protected also with a ceramic sealant. Was always a stickler for a clean ‘engine bay’.
  5. C

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Must say, gotta love leasing, had mine 2 weeks tomorrow and not paid a penny for it yet😂.
  6. C

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    Got to admit, mine is fantastic, car feels solid and handles awesome. Running R40 software, barely any niggles so do not think i will bother to update it to any of the current later versions at least, LKA no drama’s works fine. Fed up beyond belief with Tesla OTA crap so this is my reasoning for...
  7. C

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    Strange as coming from a Tesla i think the interior is nicer and better quality and although software not as snappy i prefer it all round. Awesome car. I have driven a lot of cars and so far i think the X Power will hold its own against any of them all round.
  8. C

    Xpower carted off the field

    Yeh i turned that off, was annoying🤔.
  9. C

    Xpower carted off the field

    Ah ok thanks, i am daily at the moment?. Also when reversing and going into forward, camera screen stays on now, did not at first.
  10. C

    Xpower carted off the field

    On the subject of software, does anyone have to keep pairing their phone? Mine keeps losing it , R40.
  11. C

    Xpower carted off the field

    It seems reporting issues with the car would be the answer then.
  12. C

    Help Please MG4 Xpower (paintwork issue)

    The Chipex system is awesome. Volcano Orange will be inbound when required.
  13. C

    Help Please MG4 Xpower (paintwork issue)

    It is an interesting one, over on the detailing forums the paint correctors generally say the Japanese cars have softest paint of any, German cars the hardest.
  14. C

    Xpower carted off the field

    For Christ sake do not tell Tesla this.?
  15. C

    Help Please MG4 Xpower (paintwork issue)

    If you keep some kind of wax or sealant on the paint or use a shampoo like Bilt Hamber Auto wash that has rust inhibitors in it this will help stop them rusting. I use their Snowfoam prewash, Touchless which is also anti corrosive...
  16. C

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Here is a screenshot of the technical documents that got out about fixes. Shows build dates so after Feb 24 to have suspension revision. And the whole document.
  17. C

    Xpower carted off the field

    Wonder why they did not put latest on there? Is there a list of software version history anywhere, very confusing.
  18. C

    Xpower carted off the field

    Updated to R40, thats old is it not? Mine has it on at moment also.
  19. C

    MG4 X Power Roll Call and mods.

    Ah keep the bloomin Coconut then, hope it’s gone off.?
  20. C

    MG4 X Power Roll Call and mods.

    King Creole and the … oh sod it beaten again!!!!
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