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  1. securespark

    Did you know what "follow me home" is for?

    Don't think you are. johnnyboy said it was illegal to reverse out of your driveway in the UK, but the HC says it is advisory.
  2. securespark

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    I did a lot of walking with a fuel can too!
  3. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    I'm making great progress and movement is slowly returning but it's not 100% and I'm walking much slower than before. I'm expecting things to improve though and remain optimistic.
  4. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Yeah, everybody I have spoken to in the medical profession who has seen the repair has said the same. IDK where the post op x-ray is, but I'll post it below. The posh name for what I did is a Trimalleolar Fracture.
  5. securespark

    Car doors not unlocking

    Is the problem still occurring?
  6. securespark

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    Sorry, that made me smile....I've never heard that word before.
  7. securespark

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    Nokia XR20. Android 14. I didn't select the 100 Years theme, it must have selected itself, or updated or something.
  8. securespark

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    It was more that the MG app was happy to state a full charge of 100%, yet Ohme says it still has 7% to go from a starting point of 5%. Or is my maths up the creek? Have I misunderstood?
  9. securespark

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    Radio 4? Blame Mrs S! What I don't understand is the seeming clash here.
  10. securespark

    First Wash In Three Months

    Doing mine too. Kinda knew whatever day I chose to wash all that grime off, it would rain soon after......
  11. securespark

    Did you know what "follow me home" is for?

    I wasn't aware of this? What's the wording in the HC please?
  12. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Yeah, it's a real killer for me. I absolutely love driving. Literally one of the first journeys I made when I passed my test was to go down the Smoke and back, just for the heck of it. It was great, such freedom! And it also helped that my Grandad had to give up driving (eerily due to bad...
  13. securespark

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    Me too!!
  14. securespark

    First Wash In Three Months

    Yes. I was overridden on the colour. I liked the dark grey, but Mrs Secure said it was like our last car (which was black and which we had no choice in, as it was the last one in the North) and too dark. So red it was. I must say that in the flesh it looks good when clean and the sun is shining.
  15. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Thanks, Clive. If I were able, I would, yes. I have an eyesight issue so have failed the field of vision test. But I wouldn't be able to drive a manual yet. I would need more physio before that could happen. And a clear eye test!
  16. securespark

    First Wash In Three Months

    As some of you know, I smashed my ankle in on 23 November. Yesterday, I finally was able to wash it, albeit with not as much attention as I would have liked, as I could not grovel on the driveway! It was f-f-f-f-f-f filthy! One dirty side. I should have taken a shot of the rump as that was...
  17. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Just thought I'd give you a final update. I'm making good progress. The joint is still a bit reluctant to fully cooperate movement-wise, but I'm having more Physio. Had an infection elsewhere, which went to the bone (the left hand incision) and it started weeping, so I've just finished 3...
  18. securespark

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    Dropping youngest lad back to Uni. Only a local trip, but we were low on juice. This is the lowest we have dared to go. Got back with this remaining: Excuse the shaking .... Funnily enough, there were no changes to the audio warnings to charge, nor any urgency. Never seen the green go amber...
  19. securespark

    Unfixable MG4 Trophy?

    Hope this is of some help.
  20. securespark

    Unfixable MG4 Trophy?

    Sorry, went out. Turns out the AI was gathered from various places and I can't find the exact information that was on show before. But this site is very informative:
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