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  1. securespark

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    I take the point that the driver is always in full control of the vehicle but please....make it QUICK and EASY to turn off these Big Brother systems.
  2. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    That's very kind, but what I can say is that you most definitely have helped! Being able to chat to people on here has kept my spirits up no end and I am very grateful for that. When you go into hospital to fix a physical problem, you tend not to to think about mental health. But actually...
  3. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Quick update on the old joint. Been virtually bed bound since fracturing my ankle on November 23rd. Went back to see the surgeon in hospital on Monday. First, I was sent to X-ray. I was asked to climb a piece of kit with steps on so that an X-ray could be taken with the joint under "load"...
  4. securespark

    Wiper blades and coolant boiling

    I've used Bosch aero blades for years and they are the dog's doodahs!
  5. securespark

    Low pressure tyre warning

    The car came delivered from new with 2.4 so we always maintained that. But I think I'll try upping the 2.4 to 2.6 and go from there.
  6. securespark

    What an excellent design feature ...

    Pouchy is a word, though...
  7. securespark

    What an excellent design feature ...

    Nah, fair cop....both our parents were teachers of English and my Dad taught English as a foreign language in multiple countries overseas, so I should know better!
  8. securespark

    What an excellent design feature ...

    My sister has recently pointed out that "pouchey" is not a word! Fair point, sis!
  9. securespark

    Low pressure tyre warning

    Maybe to be safe, I'll buy the ultimate ultra accurate digital tyre inflator from Temu and set it to 37.6 psi?
  10. securespark

    Low pressure tyre warning

    The car's on the move now, but the exterior temp is still below 3 degrees (it's been between 1-2 degrees), but the pressures are now aOK. Shrug.....
  11. securespark

    Low pressure tyre warning

    Being a passenger (my licence was withdrawn for eyesight issues in 2013 :cry: ), I'm not too familiar with the colours on that display. Is it saying that the front wheels at 2.4 bar are fine, but the rears that are higher are too low???
  12. securespark

    Low pressure tyre warning

    Very interesting thread. We haven't had an issue with tyre pressures on our 23 phase 2 Trophy LR until recently. But it's always the rear NS. Until today. Mrs S has gone to a footy match with brother and father and I am (as ever) confined to bed with broken ankle. But I did my weekly status...
  13. securespark

    Old Map Book From My Grandad

    He gave me this in 1985, along with his AlfaSud 1.3. In 1985, the best quote I could get was in excess of £4000 from the AA (I think). So my Grandad pulled a few strings with his insurance company and paid the first year's insurance, but sadly the 'sud proved far too expensive for a 20 year old...
  14. securespark

    What an excellent design feature ...

    I use a pouchey thing. It stays zipped in the pouch and the pouch stays in my pocket. I use the door button to get in and out and if Mrs S forgets her key, me being in the passenger seat is enough for the car to recognise the key. But if I need the buttons, they are there. Plus, the key is...
  15. securespark

    Insurance quote: "Is your car fitted with a tracker?"

    I'm sure MG track the car in the event of accident. But is that only when the SOS button is pressed? Or can the car be tracked at any time? Edit: This from my phone (about our car) "AI Overview Yes, the MG4 is considered to have a Thatcham-approved immobiliser and alarm, but no tracking...
  16. securespark

    How much damage?

    Poor beggar.
  17. securespark

    Honda + Nissan

    When we went to NZ earlier in the year, we hired an X Trail and a Rav4. Granted, I didn't drive either, but I got the impression the rubber band boxes were dire. The RAV4 was better, but acceleration in the X Trail just seemed to result in masses of revs and very little movement, rather like a...
  18. securespark

    Noise coming from MG4 Standard's Back

    I'm no sound engineer (good job, because I suffer profound deafness at mid and high frequencies!), but I probably wouldn't put pedestrian alert modules inside the car..........!
  19. securespark

    Ok, you lot. What did you get for Crimbo? 🎅🎄🎁

    All I can say is good luck to you, Alan. I'm on wife number 6. After asking me what I'd like for Christmas, they have all bought me these presents and I still haven't got any further than this...
  20. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Have lost 1.5 stone in hospital basically sitting and lying in a bed. Have just spent my first day at home. Was told a week last Monday that I could go home. It's taken a week to get me home. It wasn't NHS ambulances that brought me back. Meanwhile, you can go on a private ambo website and ask...
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