Strange, I thought main battery (HV battery) should periodically charge 12V battery, if it's drain, even in park mode. How it's possible that dashcam drains 12V battery up to cut off?
Could you please write down this information in SWICodes.txt on your GoogleDrive. It would be useful and can be updated later if new information be found.
Do you know what mean this prefix, SWI?
Interesting, is there somewhere the list of SWI numbers and what models they encode?
SWI69 - Europe Std version
SWI68 - Europe Lux version
SWI131 - ?
SWI165 - Australian Std version
SWI173 - ?
... ?
The map update packed contains MD5 file, if i remember right it's "maps\file_verification". It's possible that if you delete it, the car's installer will install map data without MD5 verification.
So, i did experiment and i can say that after Fast DC Charging when car was not locked the HV battery stay disconnected and you see these two warning lamps even if the CCS2 plug was removed from charging port and even if driver is sitting in driver's seat. You have to step on break pedal to move...
Anyway, it's strange that the car is showing both warning lamps. From my point of view "Power Battery Cut-off" would be enough. Why it's showing "Low-voltage Battery Charging System Malfunction Warning" lamp? It's obvious that low-voltage battery charging system doesn't work because main battery...
I'll check it out next time when i do a fast DC charge. But if I remember correctly, even if I unplug the charging station cable, the car will have these warning lamps on until I press the brake pedal to put the car into READY mode.
Hello guys. Sorry if this question was asked and answered earlier (please merge threads in such case or just delete). But i have one question.
I charge my MG4 Lux by fast charge stations and everything is OK with it, car gets 140kW (when the battery is warm enough). But when charge is finished...
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