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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Mines been in today - a whole host of modules updated (10 I think) but still on R46 - at least I now have ACC in 1mph increments and TSR seems a lot better as well. I'm in no rush for R59 unless I get BT issues - it has 'forgot' my phone pairing once, if it does it again I'll be going back. So...
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    Wheels not balanced on new car

    Yes, nothing major, just slight. I thought I'd get them checked and sods law the one that was 25g out was the first one checked ....
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    Wheels not balanced on new car

    No, because it would take 2hrs out of my day to drive to the dealers and back. And it is already booked in for another issue which is in about 2 weeks time due to their availability. Not worth losing sleep over. Just pretty poor that the cars come from the factory with wheels a fair way out of...
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    Wheels not balanced on new car

    Anyone else had their MG4 delivered with the wheels not balanced correctly? I had a slight vibration at 65-70mph. Had the balance checked at the local tyre place - 1mth old and 1k miles - every wheel was out of balance. 2 needed 15g added, one 20g, and one 25g. The tyre place couldn't...
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