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  1. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Bugga….. Does the heater allow 100% DOD?
  2. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Numbers that it would be nice to have if any one has the inclination to check for comparative purposes: MG4 LiFePO₄ 51kWhr: 1. Pack voltage as SOC goes 100% (just after) Pack voltage after several hrs rest, no load. 2. Highest&lowest cell voltages as soc goes 100%. 3. Pack resistance...
  3. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Haha, I am familiar battles in the finances war room. I keep on leaving boat expenditure, well, at sea! Yip, hear you on individual soc’s need to be equalised somehow. And the method I use on the boat isn’t doable. On heat, right? So if I go to 5% on the road, 2.5 kWhr would take how long to...
  4. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    ~60%, bit scarey, but bearing in mind that was me flooring it and did return to 3.3Vish instantly load was off and regen was no longer happening. Curious to know what is trigger for limp mode? Min cell voltage or what? Also going to 0% I doubt will work for me as I have a steep 100m driveway to...
  5. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Ignoring the minus gobbledegook, what you are saying then is that the mean cell voltage is close to the min cell voltage at 98% SoC no load , so min cell could be any of a number of lower cell and there is only one runaway max cell voltage. Which is pretty much what I think for now. Which is...
  6. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Well, she’s finishing a history degree as a 68yro, “talked” me into buying a sailboat, that needed rebuilding, and then decided she hates sailing, so I’m not the only one! M2CW, is that we have taken the signs (operators?) too literally and the measurement is just a delta. Lazy script writers...
  7. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    That would be dream project! Certification would be a frickn nightmare. How do you find engineers whose design credentials would satisfy Vin ppl for that type conversion? How are your projects going? Do you have a website/link for them.
  8. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Lack of Kalman filtering, statistical noise, the way the delta is measured, back emf, who knows. See it seems to just lag or precede a similar amplitude in opposite directions. I’ll do it again with a regime of fixed acceleration deceleration to time. “This where a graph of each cell voltage...
  9. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    For those that are curious: Graph of cell delta vs time of my pack after charging- driving. Note: 1. Start at 83ish mV 4hrs after charging stopped. 99% SOC. 2. Start driving flat road to base of hill and drive conservatively with mean delta decreasing. 3. Stop at 500’ vertical and get a low...
  10. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Well done! Awesome, and I only have 8! Not contemplating reconfiguring 104S to 104P to balance. My other half already thinks I have a screw loose. Also My 10A PSU would have a coronary.
  11. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    What I was thinking was pull the master HV fuse, get to the cell terminals (possibly extremely tedious) to identify runaway cell, connect suitably specced load (12V bulbs or some such) and drop cell voltage to pack cell mean voltage or slightly lower (say 3.3V). Remove, then replace fuse and...
  12. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Is it some kind of puzzle? Rotate c ninety degree anticlockwise. At least potential energy Is zero at sea level as I don’t recall my vehicle being submersible in the manual at zero percent.
  13. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Unfortunately no. I wish, but don’t think so. The delta drops from 0.290V to ~0.093V over 2hrs no load after charging stops.By then SOC is 99.3%. The 0.290V delta is at max cell V of 3.66V and I suspect max Cell limit is reached and bms disconnects charge bus before 100% soc algorithm can and...
  14. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Also, as suggested: discharge to 98% and recharge to 100% (lowest of displayed which is 99.xx on mine) twice, revealed no change in delta or battery mean voltage rested. (Delta <10mV , no load. SOC 98%, ~3.4V) Next trial will be to 0% to 99.xx%.😂
  15. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    To do what? (No pun😉) 1. Lift the V of minimum cell? 2.Cool the resistor(s) taking the cell(s) with high V? To lower V. As I stated my minimum cell V continues to settle while “balance” is supposedly happening. So #1 is not correct. Don’t know how/if any cooling is taking place. I haven’t found...
  16. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    That just looks like the switching of the contactor from full power to no power and resumes for a short period then stops charge at 7:32. Do you know what max cell voltage was at beginning of cycling and at 7:32? That would explain the contactor at rear “clacking” at ~99% on mine. I suspect my...
  17. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Excellent posts T1 , and Everest, food for thought. I think my balancer is either not working or is a primitive resistive one as I roughly noted delta vs soc at intervals from 98% through 100% until it started dropping. Data points of interest, without spreadsheeting it. At 100% SOC: Charging...
  18. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Don’t quite follow you…… Soc reaches 100%- finish time equal= ct ✅ Then both keep incrementing -both? Is there a stated time to balance and it increments as to progress? Does it say balancing finished at end? I see nothing, I have never used the app for charging. Guess I will have to run two...
  19. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    Yep, sounds like a plan! Can’t see the point if batteries are within a few mV at 80ish%. I top balanced my boat batteries by fast charging in series and then paralleled on a lab charger at 3.6V, to a 1-2mV delta. Then discharged to 0% (4s config) and immediately charged back to a tail current...
  20. EVentropy

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    I doubt NMC batteries makes any difference. Connect your OBD2. Plug your phone in and select CarPlay on info centre (either gender) /home /car scanner will come up on info centre with a couple of PIDs from a well known utuber, forget his name….. A bit underwhelming……
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