You're probably right, but in Auto mode I would expect the fan speed to be variable, for example, for heating the car, when it's first started sbd cold it should be low until it warmed up then increase to high until it got up to temperature and then back down again once up to temperature, that's...
I asked the dealer today and he guessed (he didn't know) so Ive written to MG Customer Support asking them to clarify what the settings are supposed to do in the Air Volume in Auto Mode – it has Low, Medium and High ( as per screenshot below). I have changed between them and have not noticed any...
Today (27th October) in the UK clocks go back an hour. Now the MG3, and others, are supposed to change automatically. If yours hasn't it's probably because they didn't do the pre-delivery inspection (pdi) properly and left it set at the first default city (it's something beginning with A) which...
Well, I did my long trip and I didn't find it harsh or noisy at all. It does scream a bit when you floor it, but it does take off like a rocket and I think most cars make a lot of similar noises when your foot is to the floor. However, no road noise that you mention, perhaps you have different...
I have a final solution. When I contacted MG customer services the second time, they came back to me and asked me for my registration number, then suggested I contact the dealer. Before taking it to the dealer I decided to double check that the regeneration was disengaging when using the ISA and...
Poor communication at its worst really. Pleased yours is working out, but you had to jump through unnecessary hoops to sort it. You should not have to do that. Service plans are supposed to take away any worries and give you peace of mind, clearly this one doesn't.
I got a further reply from MG customer support, this time within a few hours as follows:
We can only recommend that if you are experiencing an issue with the vehicle, I would recommend taking it to your local MG dealership for investigation.
It will be interesting to know see what the dealer says
It's the same thing. It irresponsible of MG to mislead people, you would think it is them not third parties, I was told by my dealer that MG underwrite the plan, but this is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation, that's when I smelled a rat and cancelled
If you read my previous posts, you will see I signed up and cancelled the same day after I got a copy of the contract and saw who was involved. In particular I said this:
I'm sure you can cancel your contract but they will try to charge an administration fee, if they do tell them the reason...
It also reacts violently if you are on a clear road and then come across a parked car, I always try to give any obstacles like roadworks a wide berth but you can't always do that, I've had to deliberately get it to react so that my wife can experience it because it is quite frightening when it...
Does anyone know exactly what the air flow options in the Aircon settings do? Thd options are low, medium and high, I've tried them all but it doesn't seem to change anything
I agree it is nearly the worst car I've had for heating, the worst one was a 1964 Ford Popular 3 speed manual and no radio (I don't think they had invented the car radio back then ?)
I can't seem to get the heating right. I presumed full auto would be the norm, but it's far too blowy and doesn't heat the interior, the fast fan just creates cold air So I switched off auto and put the fan on number 1 the lowest at 23c and it seemed ok, tried 24c but it got very hot, whereas...
Also try force disabled on the car in case someone has already linked it
I got an answer eventually from MG customer support who said:
I can confirm based on your question, "when the ISA is engaged it disables the brake regeneration", it shouldn’t function this way.
It will control speed; the...
It remains locked, that's the idea ? Try it, but you can only bind it to one phone at a time. The same app will scan the status of the car and tell you how many miles you can do, which is handy and also a map showing the location of the car, in case someone does nick it
I found this information and from my recent long trip I can confrim that this is what it does:
The car runs in a variety of ways’ EV is only for short distances, depending on how much charge is in the larger-than-average 1.83kWh battery pack. Beyond that, there’s ‘Series’ mode, where the engine...
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