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  1. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    Well I have been away for 5 days and a real mixture of driving and I found it a joy. The engine comes in more on motorways because no regeneration is taking place, and when accelerating faster than you do on minor roads, but I didn't find any noise problems that somd have said on the forum and I...
  2. ptw

    Speed limit recognition is dodgy

    If I do ever find out what the problem is I will certainly post it on the forum
  3. ptw

    Speed limit recognition is dodgy

    I live in a 30mph area, I have to travel through a 40 & 60 mph limits to the nearest 50mph. I've even looked at other possibilities of 50 on things like wheelie bins and house numbers. It doesn't always say 50, sometimes it is correct, so ??? ?
  4. ptw

    Speed limit recognition is dodgy

    I have read this many times, but none of it explains why getting in the car in a 30mph limit outside my house and it says it is 50mph and I haven't even moved. Nothing is in the way, no trees no other speed signs, no bad weather etc., etc.
  5. ptw

    Speed limit recognition is dodgy

    That would be logical, although mine is clear behind the mirror, but it depends on which camera is picking up the speed signs I think that it should always be seen as an assist rather than control. Most people, not all, like to use cruise control, this is only a similar aid and simply saves you...
  6. ptw

    Speed limit recognition is dodgy

    Certainly not at the moment
  7. ptw

    Speed limit recognition is dodgy

    And back to the topic. It is definitely dodgy. I live in a 30mph zone, got in the car this morning and it told me it was 50mph and I hadn't even set off???
  8. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    Apologies I misled you, my mechanic friend has put me right. He says the car is driven by electric motors, the engine just charges the battery and kicks in when that is needed, brake regeneration also charges the battery. If you check the display you can see the electric motor is always shown on...
  9. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    I've had a reply from MG: Thank you for contacting MG customer service. I can confirm that the ISL has no impact on brake regeneration. Please be aware, however, that brake regeneration only kicks in when the battery is below 90%. I replied to say they are incorrect and that others have the...
  10. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    Really? That surprises me, but I'll soon find out
  11. ptw

    Combining dynamic cruise control and traffic sign recognition

    I know in other posts a lot of owners just leave it in normal and regen 2 making no adjustments and they say they see little benefit, if any, in changing it. Time will tell for me as I have only had it for 6 weeks and only just gone over 400 miles, just quite a light user.
  12. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    It is odd the way the meter works. I believe the only way it charges is through regeneration braking which is why I have mine set at 3. It will be interesting as to what happens when I go for a long trip up the motorway this weekend as to how much the engine is used.
  13. ptw

    Combining dynamic cruise control and traffic sign recognition

    No need to apologise, everyone should voice their own views. I don't want to have this permanently on but as an option. And I too don't like some of the settings, if took me a while to find out how to get rid of the very shouty stern voice to a more acceptable background ding. Fortunately it...
  14. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    So do I actually, but as you say we need it.
  15. ptw

    Combining dynamic cruise control and traffic sign recognition

    I sent a suggeation to MG support to combine Dynamic Cruise Control (DCC) and Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) systems and I got this reply: Good afternoon, Thank you for contacting MG customer service. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your new vehicle! Thank you for the suggestion, I will...
  16. ptw

    Combining dynamic cruise control and traffic sign recognition

    I agree, anything that improves safety has got to be a good thing
  17. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    The MG3 does allow ACC & regen
  18. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    I'll certainly let you know, I've just sent it off to them
  19. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    I'll raise the question as to why it does it with MG support
  20. ptw

    Combining dynamic cruise control and traffic sign recognition

    Pleased that you sec the benefits. The MG3 monitors you for drowsiness and if you take your hands off the wheel to use the land guidance it tells you to put your hands back on the steering wheel
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