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  1. Ian Key

    MG4 granny charging

    Have you a friend or neighbour who has a wall charger you can try just to check the car will accept AC charging?
  2. Ian Key

    Well that didn't take long ! (minor damage)

    That's the difference between the old solvent based paints and the new water based ones which are more environmentally friendly. The trouble is they can take up to three months to get fully hard so they chip easier when the car is new.
  3. Ian Key

    I've joined the black badge club

    As they say, a picture paints a thousand words or in this case just two.
  4. Ian Key

    Cable storage for those that public charge 100% Shipping to Australia is €89 euros
  5. Ian Key

    MG4 bottom door sill very "sharp"

    I don't think there is a solution unless she can change the way she gets in and out. The other solutions are to change either the car or the wife, but I don't think you'd want to do the latter.
  6. Ian Key

    What is your usual charge range? (Trophy LR)

    That's what I do. Remember to leave it on charge once it has reached 100% until it has finished balancing the battery which could take anything from 15 minutes to nearly 1 hour depending on when it was last done. I usually do it just before I'm going to do a 30+ mile drive so it's not sat at 100%.
  7. Ian Key

    iSmart v2.0.8 (Android - UK) Is Out

    Mine must have updated automatically to v2.0.8 as I don't remember doing it. Mind you at my age....🤣
  8. Ian Key

    Rear light condensation

    "It's a feature." It's normal as the light bar isn't a sealed unit and the lights are LEDs so no heat is generated to evaporate the moisture.
  9. Ian Key

    What's all this about solid state batteries in the MG4?

    Tried that in a Triumph Herald. Not recommended
  10. Ian Key

    New phone problems.

    No to OTA updates and the last AA update was on 13th February although your phone might have updated AA after this date.
  11. Ian Key

    New owner of an an MG4 - Servicing Costs?

    That sounds like a good deal with the way prices are going up. I'd be tempted if my dealer offers me the same plan.
  12. Ian Key

    Just taken the plunge and I already need more advice!

    I think a lot of us have bought car mats from
  13. Ian Key

    New to ev

    You don't have to take out a service contract with the dealer who supplied your car. Also check out if the service plan includes any extras such as collect and return, courtesy car, free puncture repairs etc.
  14. Ian Key

    Water in boot lid

    It's funny how the threat of taking the car to a garage cures those intermittent problems.
  15. Ian Key

    MG4 Seats

    I know you shouldn't need to but would something like this help?
  16. Ian Key

    Insurance Renewal time again, any recommendations?

    Just had my renewal quote from Aviva Zero. Last year it was £392, this year they've quoted £327. A decrease of 17.6%. I've done my usual check on the comparison sites and they are at least £30 more with less cover.
  17. Ian Key

    Cars you’ve smoked ?

    I had a boy racer right up behind my bus because I was doing the speed limit which obviously didn't apply to him. As I pulled into the bus stop he shot by with high revs, loud exhaust and hand gestures. He didn't get far as he hadn't seen the speed trap 100 yards past the stop. I didn't wave...
  18. Ian Key

    Autohold activation

    You mean this one?
  19. Ian Key

    Well that didn't take long ! (minor damage)

    You might find someone like ChipsAway can do a smart repair
  20. Ian Key

    Re-enabling ACC During a Trip

    Reading through their previous posts they have a MG ZS LR Trophy.
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