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  1. Ian Key

    Are ICE cars really cheaper than EVs ?

    You'd have to do that to every thread 😁
  2. Ian Key

    Fog Lights

    How often are fog lights legally needed. I think I have only needed to switch it on twice in nearly two years of ownership so I don't mind having a small switch that's out of the way and doesn't take up much room.
  3. Ian Key

    Another? Trophy LR charging problem

    I preheated the cabin for the first time last month while the car was still attached to my home charger. I had charged overnight and it stopped at 80% as set and put in about 12.5kWh. The preheating used about 3% so when I got into the car it was reading 77% charge. Next time I came to charge...
  4. Ian Key

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    SC stands for service campaign which should be automatically applied to the car when it goes in for a service but there is no harm in asking.
  5. Ian Key

    Forgetting brightness

    You could try emailing MG customer service (there's an oxymoron) or tell your dealer when you have it serviced.
  6. Ian Key

    Charging door sensor malfunction

    Try spraying silicone spray in the locking mechanism as well as the hinge and seals. De-icer is a solvent and will have removed any lubrication causing the sensor to stick. The silicone will repel any water so the de-icer won't be needed as well as re-lubricating the mechanism.
  7. Ian Key

    Alternative use for tax disc holder

    You can also add emergency contact information and any medical conditions on your phone which can be accessed by the emergency services without the need to unlock it.
  8. Ian Key

    MG4 seating height?

    It was me and there is no hassle. You just push the two discs through between the back and the seat. To remove its easy to reverse the process as the discs are easy to access from the back by lifting a covering flap at the back of the seat. I use one as I have the seat fully back but when but...
  9. Ian Key

    2nd service

    I guess you are looking at the cheaper end on the used MG4s. The lack of servicing is why they are cheap. Might be worth looking at the main dealers Stoneacre have some pre-registered ones recently reduced. e.g. MD4 SE LR in red, 10 miles £19,995...
  10. Ian Key

    A good alternative EV

    These are the cars I've owned. My father worked at Kennings BL dealership which explains the choice of cars. All of them second hand until the MG4 Triumph Herald 12/50 (inherited from my uncle) Triumph Herald 13/60 Morris Marina 1100 Austin Maxi 1750 Ford Cortina 1600 Mk4 estate Triumph...
  11. Ian Key

    MG4 seating height?

    Everyone is different so you'd be better off going and sitting in one or better still going for a test drive.
  12. Ian Key

    MG4 Mudflaps

    They will come down in price. My MG4 ones were £20.29 in November 2022 It looks like they are left with overstock of the MG4 flaps and trying to get rid of them. At that price I'm considering getting another set just in case.
  13. Ian Key

    MG4 EV 51kWh Traffic Efficiency

    You can privately message him by clicking on his avatar and then start conversation
  14. Ian Key

    OPD, car rolls backwards when stopping on downhill slopes (merged thread)

    Mine doesn't slam on the brakes but I think I've changed the setting to alert only. I'll have a look in a bit.
  15. Ian Key

    MG4 Mudflaps

    They might be of dubious quality but at least they break insstead of pulling the fixings out of the bodywork, which would be a right pain to repair.
  16. Ian Key

    Heat and smoke alarms

    In the year 2019 to 2020 there were: 668 tumble dryer fires 624 washing machine fires In the year 2022 to 2023 there were: 239 EV fires out of over 100,000 car fires in total. I'll let you draw your own conclusions
  17. Ian Key

    CD Player for our new 2024 MG4 Luxury

    Which is why vinyl is making a comeback although it doesn't matter how smoothly I drive the needle keeps jumping.
  18. Ian Key

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    I'm sure @Rolfe will confirm, that is Rolfe's car and yes they are seat covers from AliExpress.
  19. Ian Key

    1st service due soon - MG Assist now an extra?

    MG assist includes home start, roadside assistant, recovery and onward mobility.
  20. Ian Key

    MG4 luxury HUMS loud when cold at 35mph+

    Could it be that the Active Grill System is shut when the car is cold and it's the air vibrating the shutters. When the weather/car's warmed up the shutters are open allowing the air to flow freely. Might be worth checking there isn't anything stopping one or more of the shutters closing fully.
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