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  1. Ian Key

    Joke thread

    I wonder how they extract this?
  2. Ian Key

    Joke thread

    Duckweed - an incontinent duck Duckboard - a teenage duck without access to WiFi Duckling - a mountaineering duck Anyone else feel the need to get some oranges?
  3. Ian Key

    Advice on where to put a 7kW charger point

    Or have an untethered charger. I keep the charging cable on one of the coat hooks just inside the front door so it's easy to grab when needed. After charging a quick wipe with a cloth and hang it back up.
  4. Ian Key

    MG4 unresponsive

    Mine must be defective then as it also charges when it's switched off. When it's been sat on the drive locked for two days, not charging or connected to the charger, the battery voltage in the app has gone from 11.9V to 14.2V.
  5. Ian Key

    Joke thread

    Production - the act of breeding ducks
  6. Ian Key

    MG4 unresponsive

    Check the 12V battery terminals are tight. You might need a software update as I thought the main traction battery should have kept the 12V battery topped up.
  7. Ian Key

    Autotrader format

    Top right corner click the blue filter and sort button, then sort, then distance from the drop down list. It appears they have a bug in the software so the home page doesn't talk to the results page. Probably to make MG4 owners feel at home 🤣
  8. Ian Key

    Cannot manually unlock door using physical key

    Its a conundrum. If you only have a mechanical key unless you had your phone with you you still wouldn't be able to start the car, and if you have your phone you don't need a mechanical key. I think in @DixieTGS case, as they often go out without their phone, it would be better to apply the...
  9. Ian Key

    Cleaning Matte Green Paint.

    I've done something similar but used Autoglym's Polar Wash instead of Turtle Wax. The only trouble I found was that I missed a couple of spots as there was that much foam it was difficult to see where I had used the wash mitt. Perhaps I need to reduce the concentration 🤔
  10. Ian Key

    Cannot manually unlock door using physical key

    If you do hide the spare in the car make sure it's in a Faraday pouch.
  11. Ian Key

    Joke thread

    The ferry's probably slid off to the left 🤣
  12. Ian Key

    Lightweight e-bikes, capabilities and transport

    @Rolfe How's the nasty cold? Are you OK as you don't seem to have posted on the forum since before Christmas?
  13. Ian Key

    One pedal driving interaction with ABS on slippery slope

    I also had a Herald as my first car. Great in the snow as the skinny tyres went through the snow as opposed to sitting on top as modern fat tyres do. Mind you if you had the lights on and the heater on when you turned on the after market stick-on heated rear window it would stall as the dynamo...
  14. Ian Key

    Condensation in the cabin in cold weather

    She must be getting withdrawal symptoms as she hasn't merged for a while
  15. Ian Key

    Cannot manually unlock door using physical key

    The physical key is for emergency access to the cabin if the 12v battery has gone flat. If the remote control/key-fob isn't working then the car won't start as it needs the signal from it or your phone (if you've set up the keyless start).
  16. Ian Key

    Post a Pic

    Zouérat (Arabic: الزويرات) is the largest town in northern Mauritania and the capital of the Tiris Zemmour region, with an approximate population of 62,380 Lichinga is the capital city of Niassa Province of Mozambique. It lies on the Lichinga Plateau at an altitude of 1,360 metres
  17. Ian Key

    MG4 SE battery 1year SoH

    Could be something as simple as the technician put the SOC in the wrong box and misread 85 as 88. Hopefully next time they'll put their glasses on
  18. Ian Key

    Condensation in the cabin in cold weather

    I'm with E.on and pay 6.7p/kWh but I was referring to the total cost of keeping the heating on for a 200+ mile journey not the price per kWh
  19. Ian Key

    Tyre puncture

    You and me both 🔎
  20. Ian Key

    MG4 Trophy - 1st annual service

    I fear he does mean the first service which should have been done at 12 months or 15000 miles whichever comes first and someone has read that as just being due at 15000 miles.
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