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  1. Petriix

    Automatic limiting of overnight charge

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by 'last' but it's not as dramatic as that. It will slightly increase degradation and generally waste a little bit more energy every time you charge to full but it won't dramatically shorten the battery life. I'm personally a bit over the top with taking extra...
  2. Petriix

    Eco/ Normal mode

    There's not much more that you can do other than planning ahead, accelerating gently and keeping your top speed down. If you can find a high vehicle to follow (at a safe distance) then that's great, otherwise just resist the temptation to use all that power.
  3. Petriix

    Full charge get me only 206 miles

    The estimated mileage figure is not the 'range', it's just a guess based on an algorithm which is why it's known as the Guess-o-meter or GOM. The actual total range varies massively depending on your driving (speed, conditions, temperature, traffic etc). The 214 mile figure is based on a...
  4. Petriix

    Onboard AC charger rate.

    I consistently see 7.2-7.3kW on the Zappi. I imagine it's about 85% efficient so about 6.2kW makes it to the battery.
  5. Petriix

    rapid charging battery percentage

    Interesting concept. Do you have any links about this phenomenon? I'd like to read more but can't find anything obviously relevant to EV rapid charging.
  6. Petriix

    Torque Pro PIDs for MG5 here

    Can you see any further details about the battery like cell min and max voltages?
  7. Petriix

    Missing stuff

    You can't turn it off in the MG5. It does appear to be the same sound but I wouldn't assume that it has been directly transposed from the ZS.
  8. Petriix

    rapid charging battery percentage

    The battery voltage increases whenever it is charged and decreases as it's discharged - that's just a function of how the energy is stored. It's possible that rapid charging causes a significant imbalance in the voltage of the different cells in the battery which would limit the amount of the...
  9. Petriix

    rapid charging battery percentage

    I've not noticed what you are talking about. It's possible that the extra heat from charging is causing the battery cooling to run flat out for a while which might add a bit to the consumption. But I have seen some anomalies with other aspects of the MG software so I wouldn't rule out that being...
  10. Petriix

    Long Range Used Price in few years estimates

    I would guess £15k at 2 years old, but maybe more if supply is limited. The balloon payment on PCP for the standard range is around £9k at 4 years.
  11. Petriix

    Loss of battery power while laid up

    I've not seen any range drop overnight but frequently it seems to be 1% lower than when it was switched off, even if it was just a short while ago. Seems to be more of a rounding error than actual power loss. I definitely wouldn't want to leave the car under 50% charged for any significant...
  12. Petriix


    I'm pretty confident on how the consumption will respond to my driving. I drove 180 miles without holding back on mostly motorways and dual carriageways and got home with 6%. I could easily have slowed down and kept more in reserve but I just didn't need to. On the corresponding outward journey...
  13. Petriix


    I couldn't see why these figures are important. As far as I can tell the GOM is reasonably accurate if you drive economically but it's pretty easy to see that you'll get between 1.5 mile and 3 miles per 1% depending on conditions and how you drive. The GOM can't guess what you're going to be...
  14. Petriix

    Missing stuff

    I've found an engine revving sound on Spotify just for this type of occasion.
  15. Petriix

    Missing stuff

    The sound isn't needed at higher speeds because the tyres on the road are loud enough.
  16. Petriix

    Missing stuff

    The low speed warning is definitely there. Simple test is to roll the windows down and pop it in and out of neutral at 5mph; you'll notice a big difference. The auto lights aren't sensitive to rain, just darkness. The DRLs are bright enough for me not to worry but using manual lights is the...
  17. Petriix

    Going forward in reverse

    If you don't quite get the start right then you can. It does the 'HV battery' warning and says something like 'select neutral to start'.
  18. Petriix

    Throttle control instead of cruise control.

    That's not my experience. It's just about smoothing the power out rather than wasting loads of energy to maintain the same speed up the hill. On a motorway I'd typically be doing 65mph and might slow to 60 on the way up and do 70 on the way back down.
  19. Petriix


    It's not quite a linear drop. You can monitor it on the power screen. It goes faster in the first and last part of the voltage range and slower in the middle. This is accounted for in the calculation.
  20. Petriix

    Throttle control instead of cruise control.

    This is the MG5 subforum...
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