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  1. Petriix

    Electroverse App

    Anyone using the Electroverse app? Is it reliable for starting/stopping charging?
  2. Petriix

    There's no way to charge a 2021 MG5 to 80%?

    I think you're over complicating it. At 6.6kW the MG5 SR charges at roughly 12.5% per hour or around 1% every 5 minutes. Simply set the timer on the charger accordingly.
  3. Petriix

    MG5 Disappearing charge

    I'd be interested in knowing the model of your OBD2 dongle. I'd like to see the cell voltages.
  4. Petriix

    MG5 Disappearing charge

    It possibly shows an out of balance battery. This can happen if you rapid charge a lot and don't charge to full on AC very often. It could also happen soon after rapid charging as the voltage settles. However it might indicate a weak cell so it might be worth a trip to the dealer to check the...
  5. Petriix

    MG5 Instavolt charging problems.

    Sometimes it seems to get into a state where it won't accept charge. It happens at home occasionally where it just sits there saying 'connected, uncharged'. Unplugging, locking and walking away for a few minutes always fixes it. Instavolts usually work without issue but occasionally fail in you...
  6. Petriix

    MG5 Instavolt charging problems.

    That's exactly the thing to do. The car seems to only be able to start charging within a small window. Locking the doors then starting the charge seems pretty reliable.
  7. Petriix

    MG5 SOH

    While I say take sensible steps to look after your battery (without inconveniencing yourself). MG don't have a perfect record with BMS software.
  8. Petriix

    MG5 SOH

    I would imagine that the initial degradation is easily hidden within the unused buffer. As the cells aren't taken close to their maximum voltage, there's no reason for the reduced capacity to become noticeable initially. When talking about a battery having a maximum usable capacity, you're...
  9. Petriix

    MG5 Trophy using Zappi Charger

    In the Zappi menu under advanced (I think).
  10. Petriix

    MG5 Trophy using Zappi Charger

    What time did you plug in? Could be a cutoff of six hours or similar. There are some compatibility settings to play with which might help.
  11. Petriix

    Gridserve Rapid Charging Issue

    There are definitely some software issues with the MG5 which cause problems when rapid charging. There are some steps which tend to help avoid error situations. Some charging providers have more robust error handling than others. Gridserve seem to be running different software on the dual CCS...
  12. Petriix

    Low milage range on 100% charge

    Obviously be aware that while the GOM figure is higher after a rest, it makes no difference to the actual range you will achieve. Really you should ignore the GOM and try to understand how the battery depletes in different circumstances. In my MG5 SR it's typically 2 miles per 1% while...
  13. Petriix

    Range Reminder

    I don't think you actually read my post, did you? 'Long Range' is relative. 60kWh will get you somewhere between 180 and 270 miles depending on various factors. I'm not sure what advert you saw. Driving an EV long distance requires a bit of planning. Every anecdote about poor charging...
  14. Petriix

    Range Reminder

    Rapid charging slows down as the battery gets 'full' so it's pretty pointless to bother above 90%, and mostly the overall journey is quicker if you stop at 80% or below. If you want to charge to 100% and have plenty of time then use AC which is much cheaper. For your particular journey you...
  15. Petriix


    I find the acceleration in the MG5 a little hesitant compared to the Leaf 40 I was previously driving. 'Instant' it certainly is not, but it's only a fraction of a second delay as the power ramps up. You can adapt by preempting the need for power by a fraction of a second.
  16. Petriix

    MG5 System Fault - HV Battery Shut Off

    Yes, the equation is very different with free charging. However, that doesn't protect you from whatever error causes the battery to shut off.
  17. Petriix

    MG5 System Fault - HV Battery Shut Off

    Funnily enough my aim on any rapid charger is to charge as little as possible while being able to complete my journey in the cheapest and most convenient way. I'd have to be on a very unusual journey to require a full charge away from home. Rapid charging is expensive and puts strain on the...
  18. Petriix

    Charging to 100 % on 7 kW home charger.

    What exactly do you mean by 'no issues'? Have you measured the loss in overall useable capacity of the battery? Have you compared that with someone else who doesn't charge to 100%?
  19. Petriix

    Message on rear of (3 pin) official granny charger

    It just means 'leave the car plugged in for at least 9 hours at least once per month. Sadly they didn't both to employ a native English speaker to sense check their wording on anything - hence the 'please charging'.
  20. Petriix

    MG5 System Fault - HV Battery Shut Off

    It's some wonky rapid charging software. The CCS 'standard' is known to be pretty poorly defined and MG are known to be pretty loose with their interpretation of such things. It's fairly obvious that a condition regularly occurs where the car decides to terminate the charge based on hitting...
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