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  1. Petriix

    MG5 LR & zappi home charger

    It's not in the manual, just in the compatible settings. You can increase the 'End Charge' time to prevent the issue with the Zappi thinking the car has finished charging and switch 'Infinite PWM' on to ensure the CP signal remains on while the car is plugged in. The fault/reset seems to be an...
  2. Petriix

    MG5 LR & zappi home charger

    IEC 62196
  3. Petriix

    MG5 LR & zappi home charger

    The Zappi seems to have a workaround to the timeout issue. The MG5 is clearly not compliant with the charging standards but the Zappi can wake it by doing its automatic reset that occurs when charging doesn't start as expected. There are some settings which can help to prevent the Zappi from...
  4. Petriix

    Switching off KERS??

    I'm not sure what the issue is with applying a little bit of pressure on the power pedal. It doesn't actually take any power until the power meter passes zero, it just reduces regen for the initial part of the travel.
  5. Petriix

    Max range and warmth

    Ignore the GOM, it's a rather meaningless guess based on a clunky algorithm. Your actual range will vary depending on many factors.
  6. Petriix

    Warranty vs Mileage vs Battery

    Any metal tin will do a better job. A second layer of tinfoil makes it doubly good.
  7. Petriix

    Which one do you use?

    Personally I find the creep a little too strong, I'm often fighting against it trying to come to a gentle stop. So I've taken to flicking into neutral once I get below 5mph. As you don't get any regen at all at lower speeds you actually save energy by rolling. Once stopped, if it's more than...
  8. Petriix

    Good Practice for Battery Life and Home Charging

    I don't think anyone is suggesting doing anything other than what works best for you. Those of us who pay a bit more attention to the state of charge are thinking more long term - how much degradation there will be after 5 years or so. The main thing is that people make an informed choice...
  9. Petriix

    Eeking out range

    There is no such thing as 'the true range' as there are far too many variables. The WLTP test is a standardised, controlled test which gives a basis for comparison but it isn't supposed to be a realistic target in the real world. It's just a case of understanding how the different variables...
  10. Petriix

    Annoying Animations

    I don't think there's any setting for it. Sadly, because it's not only annoying but arguably dangerously distracting, covering up vital information.
  11. Petriix

    Charging an MG5 - locked / unlocked

    There's some compatibility settings in the Zappi to prevent the "charge complete' issue. Something like "charge end" which you can set to 90s to give the car enough time to resume charging.
  12. Petriix

    Good Practice for Battery Life and Home Charging

    It doesn't make any difference whether you do lots of partial cycles or fewer, deeper cycles. Just be aware that more (very minor) degradation occurs when sitting, charging or discharging at either end of the usable voltage range, especially when it's particularly hot or cold. It's generally...
  13. Petriix

    Check charge without unlocking

    Open and close the boot.
  14. Petriix

    Car wouldn't start

    There obviously the double clunk of the HV battery contactors engaging. Maybe it was that? Sometimes the brake pedal is stiff so you have to press it a bit harder to get the car to start.
  15. Petriix

    Faulty battery

    What makes you think it's fully charged and why do you think it's still charging? The car will continue drawing a small amount of power (about 300W) for several hours after it hits '100%' while it balances the battery. But there's nothing stopping you from simply unlocking and unplugging at...
  16. Petriix

    Auto AC or Manual?

    I mostly don't worry about range, but I do worry about wasting energy. Ultimately saving energy will increase the range, but it's more important for me to keep the costs and the net emissions down.
  17. Petriix

    Auto AC or Manual?

    Manual for me. It wastes loads of energy, at least initially, setting it to auto.
  18. Petriix

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    You can reduce the minimum green threshold to lower and allow the grid to supplement the solar power. I tend to keep mine set at 60% which will pull up to 560W from the grid to make up the 1.4kW minimum charge rate.
  19. Petriix

    Displayed range at 100% charge

    Ignore the GOM. 250 miles is not your 'range', just what the car achieved in the standardised WLTP test. You might get over 300 miles driving slowly in warm, dry weather. But you might get less than 160 miles when driving fast in the cold. You'll soon get used to it.
  20. Petriix

    Rapid charger not very rapid!

    Sometimes disconnecting after a few minutes then restarting the charge can make it faster. Otherwise try a different charger.
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