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  1. Petriix

    Odd charging issue

    'Waiting for available power' suggests that the charger was already charging a different EV on another head - they need a software update before they can do two at once. The home charging is just a bit quirky. Sometimes it will start right away, other times it needs a minute. Sometimes that...
  2. Petriix

    100% of what ?

    The operative word is 'useable'. That's the bit that you can use. The rest is a buffer of hypothetical capacity that's never actually used at both ends of the battery voltage range. Although I'm fairly convinced that there is a hidden part of the usable battery above 100% given that it carries...
  3. Petriix

    5LR Forward Collision System

    The issue is more when there are parked cars or pedestrians and bends in the road. You can quite reasonably be driving straight towards an object at speed, with the knowledge that you will be turning as required to follow the road. However the algorithm in the software for detecting a collision...
  4. Petriix

    Charging etc

    One per month is the maximum recommended interval. Hardly seems excessive to me.
  5. Petriix

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    If this is your first EV then understeer is simply to be expected because of the additional weight of the battery you're carrying into the corners. That also accounts for the extra roll too. They could compensate with stiffer suspension but then it would be pretty horrible over the bumps. You...
  6. Petriix

    Archived MG5 wheels available

    I wouldn't personally go on the recommendation of someone selling me something. There are plenty of online reviews for the various tyre options. Then you can compare grip, efficiency and noise too.
  7. Petriix

    Battery voltage down to 11.4

    Sounds like a dead DC/DC charger. Hopefully there's a spare somewhere in the country!
  8. Petriix

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    Optimisers make sense if you have shading. Otherwise they're pretty redundant. It would have cost a lot more for the Solaredge kit and added several years to the payback for me. It's definitely worth doing the calculations though.
  9. Petriix

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    The Zappi (and app) tell you that in real-time then, after you unplug, it shows a % 'green' for the previous charging session. With my 50% threshold I'm typically seeing 80-90% green. My PV system cost £4k for 3.42kWp in 2017. I get FIT and 'deemed' export payments which means I can uses as...
  10. Petriix

    Warning light separate battery query

    The thought of battery swapping fills me with horror. I obsessively take good care of my battery (much to the ridicule of the 'charge to full every day' brigade) so as to prevent an arguably miniscule amount of degradation. Just imagining the effects of hundreds of people abusing a battery...
  11. Petriix


    When you press P it disengages the drive and applies the electronic parking brake (EPB). It also does this if you power off the vehicle so no need to for multiple steps once you get home. The automatic release of the EPB makes it quiet useful if stopping for long enough to want to take your...
  12. Petriix

    Charging etc

    Yes, all the points about battery health are true; to a degree. But you should still start any long journey with 100% charge, just maybe avoid charging to 100% if you aren't doing a long journey. The point about rapid charging is that it slows down so much as the battery gets full that it's...
  13. Petriix

    Exclusive for £18500

    That's crazy cheap. You could buy it and immediately sell it to WBAC for £1500 profit.
  14. Petriix

    North Wales and back

    Obviously we have quite different philosophies. If my long journey wasn't until the following day then I'd be charging slowly to 100% and fully balancing the battery (which can only be done on AC). The only time I'd be using an expensive (and battery stressing) rapid charger is if I immediately...
  15. Petriix

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    Solar can definitely contribute to charging. On a good, sunny day my 3.42kWp array can add about 20kWh to the car - around a third of the battery after charging losses. It might require a little from the grid even when it's sunny e.g. when I boil the kettle, the charging won't stop instantly so...
  16. Petriix

    Charging rate (plus general version musings)

    I'd say the LR is less about range - let's face it, we rarely actually go from 100% to 1% in a journey - and more about flexibility. Let's take a worst case: You're driving 300 miles and it happens to be 4 degrees with a strong headwind and torrential rain. The standard range MG5 will only get...
  17. Petriix

    North Wales and back

    The charging rate is a curve not a constant, and it's dependent on numerous factors. If you're at a 100kW+ charger and you have a low enough state of charge and the battery is in its optimal temperature range then you might see 80kW for a brief period, but it quickly drops away as the battery...
  18. Petriix

    Footy trip From Southampton to Newcastle

    Firstly this is the MG5 forum. I wouldn't personally recommend the ZS, especially not for long distance travel. Secondly there are much cheaper ways to travel than using the expensive rapid chargers. My most expensive journey was a 420 mile round trip from Norwich to Chippenham. It cost £18...
  19. Petriix

    Automatic limiting of overnight charge

    It's misleading to oversimplify it. It isn't binary. The battery will degrade whatever you do and the degradation will be greater the more time that passes and the further it is from the middle of the voltage range. 'Significant harm' is subjective so it's better to be fully aware of the facts...
  20. Petriix

    Ready Mode while Charging ?

    It seems a double press without your foot on the brake is fine if you're already charging, but can rapidly drain the 12v battery if you're not charging (or if charging stops for any reason) so be careful.
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