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  1. F

    LFP charging like a boss

    are you sure? Like sure sure? 97%?
  2. F

    LFP charging like a boss

    Stopped at a GRIDSERVE last night, arriving after 1 hour drive with 7% SoC, leaving 37 minutes later with 80% SoC. Started charging at 7:53pm and ambient temp of 18°C At 7:58pm it had reached 19% SoC, with the battery temperature between 27°C and 31°C and still charging at 82kW. By 8:12pm it...
  3. F

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Instavolt now 52p from 10pm to 6am
  4. F

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    You just quoted a post from Oct 2022. This thread has 46 pages.
  5. F

    Charging MG4 issues

    By ambient temp I mean the outside temperature. The temperature inside the car is around 3C less than indicated: the gauge numbers are wrong, there’s a picture in the quick ref manual showing 22 in place of 25 in earlier software versions. Air from the windscreen and feet vents is warmer...
  6. F

    Charging MG4 issues

    What’s the ambient temp? I leave everything on AUTO except I manually select the windscreen and feet vents. If it’s a bit too hot I open the face vents too.
  7. F

    Charging pin melt

    Glad you got it sorted, but that port looks rather dusty to me and I think if I were you I would clean it regularly and inspect the charging port for any debris. It’s s rare occurrence but maybe your drive through a dusty area and more likely for this to happen again. I recently forgot to cover...
  8. F

    Charging MG4 issues

    Are you allowed to charge at 16A in Romania? The maximum here in uk is 10A from a 13A socket for safety reasons.
  9. F

    Tesla charging price increase

    wholesale prices are going up. My local one is now 7p/kwh dearer. 100kWh a month (350/400 miles) at Tesla, without membership, this is £7 extra off peak, £48 total, up from £41. With membership, £46 £84 extra a year. Instavolt has now lowered their off-peak to 52p/kwh. Most places I charge at...
  10. F

    Charging MG4 issues

    @dannyg3081 can you post here a couple pictures of the granny charger? To show us two things: 1) any lights to indicate a fault? 2) the granny charger’s specification.
  11. F

    Stuck in Tow Mode

    Who replaced the tyres?
  12. F

    EV adoption ramping up.

    Saw the first one. Didn’t know about the sequel. Will look for it. I know this is a positive thread but more and more I notice that incompetent drivers are also in electric cars which by itself isn’t an issue but when they now have much more power and torque available to them makes them feel...
  13. F

    Stuck in Tow Mode

    I think this was the solution all along
  14. F

    Car broken in to - how?

    I just pull the rear passenger door handle to check I’ve locked the car. The Kia app sends you a notification if the car has been left unlocked but not started for several minutes. Wish ISMART did same.
  15. F

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    It’s an interesting subject. To me especially as I work for an integrated energy company (i.e. reduce oil and gas, increase renewables and other low carbon solutions). TL;DR Banning asbestos wasn’t a bad thing. But took way too long. Let’s not keep making the same mistakes. I am not...
  16. F

    Car broken in to - how?

    Yes it would have been.
  17. F

    Poll: What’s your favourite colour MG4?

    These Miami blue 911s remind me of the Holborn blue
  18. F

    Tyre Pressure Monitoring Weird Behaviour

    Neither have I. For example I haven’t seen the TPMS issue. Ever.
  19. F

    Poll: What’s your favourite colour MG4?

    The first MG4 I ever saw in real life was blue. It looked different from the rest and looked great! It was the day I decided to place the order. I bought it in black because that’s the colour I wanted: no matter what car I buy it’s always black. Tradition? But blue was the colour that sold...
  20. F

    Active driver display question.

    ACC/TJA stay as you last left them. If you had ACC on, it will be there next time you drive. Same with TJA. The speed limiter instead won’t.
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