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  1. Jomarkh

    Warning lights after dead battery

    Hi and welcome to the forum, If the 12V goes flat then you will get a number of errors thrown up. They should clear if you turn the steering wheel from left to right lock or just drive it a few miles normally clears the errors.
  2. Jomarkh

    Recent Valuation 30% of what I paid less than 2 years years ago...!

    I thought the MG5's have all been sold
  3. Jomarkh

    Bargain basement MG5 on Autotrader

    It is a LR but still a bit pricey, will it work on Tesla Supercharger?
  4. Jomarkh

    Recent Valuation 30% of what I paid less than 2 years years ago...!

    What model is it and how many miles on the clock?
  5. Jomarkh

    Bargain basement MG5 on Autotrader

    I was looking for your MG5 to go on the Richmond site but it hasn't shown up yet:( No I was wrong it is on there now
  6. Jomarkh

    Looking forward to MG4 Trophy ER coming Thursday

    Hi, what EVSE (charge point) do you have? Not all networks are on Electroverse and Zapmap is another great app.
  7. Jomarkh

    MG4 LR not charging

    Does it charge using a granny EVSE (charge point) or can you get to a rapid DC charger?
  8. Jomarkh

    Any Zappi tips?

    Hi, if you are on IOG then export atc15p/kWh and charge the car overnight at 7p.
  9. Jomarkh

    MG4 & 5 Ventilation

    If I am on my own then it seems OK just to have heat on one or two notches and fan just over halfway. (SR Excite) if I have passengers then the fan needs to be higher and maybe another notch of heat.
  10. Jomarkh

    Pre pick up panic

    Yes it does, I used mine while on holiday last year but it was a bit hit and miss but I had a CPS RFID card as back up
  11. Jomarkh

    Pre pick up panic

    Hi Dave, welcome to the forum. Are you using the CPS units for day to day charging? Worth getting the CPS RFID card incase there is poor signal or the app doesn't work.
  12. Jomarkh

    The Ultimate MG5 "Real World" Energy Consumption Thread

    Sorry my January figure is a bit late only picked the car up from the garage Thursday evening. They had it for almost 2 weeks to paint the holes under the bonnet and send a module to MG for repair to sort out a Radio Module Disconnected fault. Anyway here it is and I was quite happy to finish on...
  13. Jomarkh

    Tomato Energy

    Has anyone signed up for the solar panels and battery?
  14. Jomarkh

    DNO Upgrade

    There should be a form on their web site, just put in for a heat pump that may help things along
  15. Jomarkh

    Facelift or not?

    @Les burrows Had a PFL 5 and now a FL 5 plus a 4. You might find a thread about it using the search bar.
  16. Jomarkh

    Range loss in Winter

    What is your mi/kWh showing?
  17. Jomarkh

    MG4 SE LR says 100% charge but only 165 miles shows

    Reset your trip counters, charge to 100% and leave to battery balance then but into ready mode with the fan, heater, lights etc all off and in eco mode that should show a factory GOM
  18. Jomarkh

    MG5 2023 Trophy Winter Mileage

    Reset your trip counters then put into ready mode with fan, heater etc off and in eco mode and see what you get it should show the factory GOM
  19. Jomarkh

    MG5 SOH

    I thought the 10-100% was just for the MG4 LPF batteries
  20. Jomarkh

    Thought I'd found myself a bargain Trophy ER

    Probably X taxi so no warranty
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