Search results

  1. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    I would suggest just check the wear. Maybe take a coin and stick it in the tread. Hold a thumbnail or fingernail level with the tyre. Check it against the others. If there's a marked difference maybe rotation would be helpful. I am sure you'd get charged to rotate them. Is the ZS rear wheel...
  2. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    As mentioned elsewhere our little diesel Panda 4x4 was factory-specced with winter tyres, which we used all year round. But I think I'd rather the extra durability of all-seasons on Goth Leo. @bowfer would be interesting to know your experience, if you notice this thread, and what your tyre...
  3. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    Was that full winters or all-seasons? I think my short-shortlist is now between the Hankooks and the Goodyear
  4. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    Good to know. I always thought it was interesting that I never noticed any real fuel consumption difference when changing tyres in my ICE cars over the years. I wonder if that would be true of EVs too. Looked like Golfs, so front wheel drive.
  5. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    Yes, that's what I thought, but it seems an aspect that's glossed over. Thanks. He seems to have a very similar shortlist to the one I put up.
  6. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    The question of tyres comes up in various threads here, at least according to some searching I've done. And quite a few folk have views on types of tyres used on non-MG4s, which probably translate to their use on MG4s as well. But I thought it worth while to ask opinions specifically. As we head...
  7. QLeo

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    That's three times closer than our nearest charger! The next nearest dealership is another 2 hours away.
  8. QLeo

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    She mentioned three systems that had updates, one of which was the BMS. I'd been up since 5.00am to get the car there for 8:30, so wasn't firing on all electrons when she gave me the acronyms!
  9. QLeo

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Ours never did have the external temp display. Would have been nice if it was corrected, but that's not why we had the update done.
  10. QLeo

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Goth Leo got his software update today. I had phoned the dealer, Dicksons in Inverness, a while back to ask about a series of faults, like the Autohold one, and various others, none of which are unusual for members of the forum, and none of which were serious. All cleared after a locking the car...
  11. QLeo

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    We've completed 400-odd miles across to Aberdeenshire, seeing not a single other MG4 on the trip. But on the way home, we stopped off at a Tesco to charge, came back to the car to find a red Trophy waiting for us to finish. One of those lovely chats that seem to common at chargers ensued - the...
  12. QLeo

    MG4 Depreciation

    @Rolfe I tried a couple of disk partition types and formats - vfat an exfat formats against fat32 and ntfs partition types if you want the filthy details. But to no avail. Both types worked, but USB playing is extremely limited and much more like using an old cassette player. It was worth a try.
  13. QLeo

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    But what goes up also goes down. We leave home, and up the first hill, Culcarroch, the economy is 2.5miles/kWHr. By the bottom of the big hill it's up to 3.5 or so. At the top of Cnoc a' Bhainne it's 2.5 again, but at the bottom it's 4.5. It fluctuates with the terrain but down the final hill we...
  14. QLeo

    MG4 Depreciation

    I got to wondering if there was a technical workaround, such as the choice of filesystem for the USB stick, and started a quick search. It seems MG are by no means alone in having limited options for USB music structures. But I'll try a couple of options and if there is any improvement, I'll...
  15. QLeo

    MG4 Depreciation

    This may not help you, but we find just loading the phone with our CD collection and using it rather than a USB stick works pretty well. An alternative would be to nip onto the online purveyor of tat of your choice and buy a job-lot of relatively small USB sticks for next to nothing. Organise...
  16. QLeo

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Coming back from the village along the single-track today, a holiday-maker "enjoying the Highland August weather. (Dashcam date is wrong!)
  17. QLeo

    MG4 Lack of software Updates thread

    Let's not forget it could be worse. Here is a report on another manufacturer applying a software patch to what appears to be a physical problem, and a very important physical part too.
  18. QLeo

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Let me guess - you really have a tesla with full self deceiving - sorry, I mean "full self driving" - and you were asleep most of the journey :) Hope you're going to document your trip on the forums. We may do a show in the south of England next year, so another trip diagonally across the...
  19. QLeo

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Saw a couple of MGs on the trip to Inverness today. But here's a new one: we also saw a Driving Instructor's MG4 in grey. Imagine being a learner in a fab new MG4.
  20. QLeo

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Spotted a grey MG4 on the single track near Lochinver during the week. Got a cheery wave from the driver. I'm sure Goth Leo said "How do" in passing and got a " 'sup" in return. Also, re colours, herself wasn't sure when we got Goth Leo, who is black. But in bright sunshine, you can see flecks...
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