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  1. QLeo

    You CAN road trip an SE SR

    Yes, we do use the Tesla chargers, to the extent of having our favourite pillars :) And as we need them so often we've gone for the annual subscription, which pays for itself quite quickly with the length of trips we have to do. But we've not had a need to use them south of Larkhall.
  2. QLeo

    You CAN road trip an SE SR

    Or as an Aussie friend said, it's amazing how many places in Scotland are named after places in Australia. (Herself leaves for Brisbane on Monday to see her mother, then later on to Perth (your one) to see her sister. So it's another 500 mile road trip to get her to Edinburgh - you don't have...
  3. QLeo

    You CAN road trip an SE SR

    Well, -ish. When we go places, there's the dreaded A9 to do, pretty much no matter where we go. That means it's about 220 miles to Perth. Which also means we're unlikely to get there, what with the Grampians being in the way. So we have to volt and bolt in Inverness, just like SR drivers. :) I...
  4. QLeo

    You CAN road trip an SE SR

    Looking forward to your report on this trip. We're due to drive from here at the Centre of the (known) Universe in the north west Highlands to the south of England, London via Hampshire, in February, and we've only been as far south as Kirkby Lonsdale so far.
  5. QLeo

    Sleeping in MG4 [merged thread]

    What incidents? (where's the saint emoji?)
  6. QLeo

    Sleeping in MG4 [merged thread]

    Like this memorable day and an untenable angle, up to the running boards in the bog. This was in a game reserve in Malawi, and there were leopard tracks all along the road. It took a tractor to get us out.
  7. QLeo

    Sleeping in MG4 [merged thread]

    Just on the score of profiteering in this area, especially notable, as we have just confirmed that the £15 a night at the parking spot (I can't call it a camp site) has now not only gone up to £20 but says "from £20". We know of some people nearby who charge over £200 a night to stay on those...
  8. QLeo

    Was your consumption affected with all weather/season tires?

    We've had all-season tyres on since last autumn, and we don't think there's much, if any, difference in efficiency.
  9. QLeo

    Interior courtesy lights on door opening?

    Oh good grief, as simple as that. Thanks so much. Thanks. My centre button, between the two individual light buttons, definitely needed a tap, and stayed in. Half expected, in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy style, to see a message on the screen "Do not press this button again"
  10. QLeo

    Interior courtesy lights on door opening?

    I've done a search, but can't find anything on the forum about this, but it must be mentioned somewhere. When @Rolfe was here a few days back, we discussed the annoying thing that the interior lights don't come on when you open the door. You seem to have to switch them on manually. @Rolfe...
  11. QLeo

    Sleeping in MG4 [merged thread]

    It was lovely to meet you in person. And I am deeply sorry about your experience at the "camp site". It's actually just what used to be the garden of the derelict house you mention, and the owner now lives in the house above and behind the site, alongside the road. I thought they charged £15 a...
  12. QLeo

    Help Please MG4 Xpower (paintwork issue)

    We've had something similar on Goth Leo. They all happened over winter, when we passed gritters several times. I asked for advice here, and the general consensus was that modern vehicle paints aren't as immediately hard as they may once have been. The further advice was just to get some touch-up...
  13. QLeo

    Loss of Control

    I'm sure that's the case, but I suspect it's a question of where you are. The further south you are, the more acceptable the factory tyres are likely to be. For example, I'd not even contemplate staying on summer tyres where we are, no matter how good they were in conditions for which they are...
  14. QLeo

    Loss of Control

    From experience before we changed the tyres, I'd speculate that the issue wasn't traction control but regen. We were driving really slowly (<30mph) on a single track when it was chilly, and I felt the rear step out, when I knew I was nowhere near the accelerator. I then discovered it's no...
  15. QLeo

    Loss of Control

    Weird. I posted something this last winter about how well the car handled an extremely slippery road that had other cars skidded off. There's some video of it too. BUT we did change the factory tyres before last winter to all-seasons. I should add that, with the factory tyres, we were aware of...
  16. QLeo

    You CAN road trip an SE SR

    What, do you mean you left it at home? If so, that's my level of oopsie.
  17. QLeo

    Taking part in the ecoRally Scotland

    Very happy you have good memories to take home with you.
  18. QLeo

    Taking part in the ecoRally Scotland

    Excellent, well done. As someone just trying to get home today, and coming across someone at the head of a queue of cars, trying to decide where to go (one assumes) and doing 25mph, I have....mixed feelings about too many of these events on roads where we live, but also understand the flip side...
  19. QLeo

    Taking part in the ecoRally Scotland

    As someone who lives on the NC500, hope you have a good time, and it's a relief to hear that it's not a fastest-wins event. Wave as you pass.
  20. QLeo

    Is it just me? (Poor solar weather)

    Yes, I think that's right. In our case, we could afford to over-spec the battery, so it never discharges to less than 50% SOC, which is important to lead-acid lifespans, and it's very different to, say, a car 12v battery* (they're actually huge forklift cells). We expect them to last well north...
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