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  1. QLeo

    Is it just me? (Poor solar weather)

    :) The big difference is I can make my mistakes with the system without ruining the battery (or at least, I can make new mistakes...!) Short of flattening it to 0%, lead-acids are nice and hardy. And half the cost of a similar LFP system, even now. At the time I got the battery, it was more like...
  2. QLeo

    Is it just me? (Poor solar weather)

    Goth Leo's battery is at least double the capacity, of course, but then the car's energy is used in a completely different way. But as my back is reminding me that today was battery watering day for the big lead-acids (13 litres of water added!) I'm glad MG chose a rather more impressive...
  3. QLeo

    Is it just me? (Poor solar weather)

    Sorry - I didn't see this earlier. The battery is, well, big enough. It consists of individual 2v cells, each weighing 55kg. We don't stress it much and expect it to last another 10 years or so. The capacity is affected by the amount you draw, but it holds enough for about a week. But it doesn't...
  4. QLeo

    Is it just me? (Poor solar weather)

    That makes sense. But you wouldn't believe how many people, seeing we are off grid, then ask "Do you sell your excess power to the grid?" Er.....
  5. QLeo

    Is it just me? (Poor solar weather)

    I concluded we could charge the car a bit, during summer only, with a full revamp of the solar array, and controllers and a separate battery, and an uprated inverter, priced it, and realised we could drive for years using public chargers on the cost. It's ironic that being on the grid makes...
  6. QLeo

    What do you think is the cheapest feeling part of MG4

    It's just a (bad) joke against myself.
  7. QLeo

    What do you think is the cheapest feeling part of MG4

    With our car, by far the cheapest thing is on the seat, just behind the steering wheel. Apart from that, the only thing I have a problem with is the little plastic doofer over which the string that that holds up the parcel shelf loops. One side keeps popping out. There are obviously non-premium...
  8. QLeo

    Frunk from Austria arrives at last.

    As it happens, I kept the box to store the original cover. I've just checked, and the dimensions are 97cm x 55cm x 20cm. The shipping weight was listed as 3.9kg The people are were very helpful, though, and as @AndyL61 suggests, it may be easier just to talk to them and they'll do it all.
  9. QLeo

    Which? report on MG4 lane keep assist issues reported by This Is Money

    A friend has just sent me the link. A quick look through the comments show that this is not an MG issue alone. Also, frankly, if the article was from anyone other than Which, it would carry more weight. They've long since jumped the shark regarding their original reputation. Can the MG...
  10. QLeo

    Seatbelt / Reversing

    Can probably confirm what @OriginalBigAl says. We have to go through two gates to get up our track, and occasionally the car wouldn't go without putting the seatbelt back on. I then found that it's the parking brake. Just manually release that, and it goes without demanding the seatbelt is done...
  11. QLeo

    Off grid solar car charging

    That's really interesting, and helpful too, thanks. We're off-grid and have wondered about either setting up a separate system or enhancing the existing system to be able to charge the car. (We're in the far north west of Scotland). The cost of your system is especially impressive, as my sums...
  12. QLeo

    Emergency Braking required

    We have just done a road trip south (well most things are south for us) and on our way to Inverness, along a road we know pretty well, we pass a four way junction that needs caution. A little way after that, there is a road to one side that also needs care as people may be waiting for a while...
  13. QLeo

    Android Auto - you keep saying "intelligence". I don't think it means what you think it does

    The Lift Voice Recognition Scottish Accent sketch applies! Eleven!! (No link but easily looked up)
  14. QLeo

    Android Auto - you keep saying "intelligence". I don't think it means what you think it does

    :) Pitiful - everyone knows it's short for Austrian Interchange.
  15. QLeo

    Android Auto - you keep saying "intelligence". I don't think it means what you think it does

    OK, who has had a better example of Android Auto getting things almost, but not quite, entirely unlike being correct. This one, earlier today had us in stitches of laughter, to the extent that it should be considered a driving hazard as the tears coursed down our faces. We wanted some music...
  16. QLeo

    Absolutely brilliant car!!

    Second stop of the trip in Perth, and yes, everything worked incredibly well. except a little glitch at the beginning where we realised the cables were quite short, so we had to almost ride the bump stop (makes one assume all Tesla drivers drive by Braille...!). Thanks to @DaevM for the giving...
  17. QLeo

    Absolutely brilliant car!!

  18. QLeo

    Absolutely brilliant car!!

    Oh, thanks again. We would need to change our usual charging routine if that's the case, understandable though that is. Over the last year of having Goth Leo, we have enjoyed putting him on charge then going off to do Something Useful. But we tend not to just leave him on charge unless we're...
  19. QLeo

    Absolutely brilliant car!!

    Good to know. The test run isn't quite so straight forward for us - the nearest is 100 miles away!
  20. QLeo

    Absolutely brilliant car!!

    Ta. So not unlike the way podpoint works, then.
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