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  1. QLeo

    First chilly trip of the season - ACC etc fault - resolved

    Thanks for the idea and the pointers.
  2. QLeo

    First chilly trip of the season - ACC etc fault - resolved

    Thanks for that. I'll have to have a practice, I think. I did have a go this morning. later, while we were having breakfast, to turn on the heater, and yes, I got the pin screen. It then said turning o the AC, which I acknowledged, but it then said something about the car being unlocked. Sure...
  3. QLeo

    First chilly trip of the season - ACC etc fault - resolved

    I did switch on the demister switch while I was scraping, but no, I didn't think of that. Must learn how to do it. If you have a quick eejit's guide for it, I'd be grateful.
  4. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    Do you know, it's not too bad, but only when we are not in the Highland Council region. The myopic council decided to make their relatively good charge network 70p per kW on the fast chargers, 35p on the slow chargers. The moment we are outwith the Highland Council area, which, remember, is the...
  5. QLeo

    First chilly trip of the season - ACC etc fault - resolved

    We left Stirling in temperatures of -1°C, which required a lot of window scraping to clear the ice, and it took some miles before the car's efficiency seemed to start to stabilise. I can only think that it warms itself as well as the occupants at first, then uses less power for that. The roads...
  6. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

  7. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    :-) That's a very kind way of telling me to stop obsessing about efficiency! Sorry about that. It's just that, as we can't charge at home, and most journeys are long ones*, it feels important to keep on top of it. Someone on Mastodon, who drives another type of EV, can't remember what, assured...
  8. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    My apologies for reviving this thread but I did promise to report back once we'd done some miles on the new Goodyears. This last week, we had a trip south to Glasgow and back which I thought would give us a good indicator of things like efficiency etc. But we are now in the season of weather...
  9. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    No, I don't know for sure, but I am sure John or Dave at Godsmans will have mentioned it if there was a foam insert, so I suspect not.
  10. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    Yes, we just replaced the factory tyres. I left the process to the tyre fitters, a small business rather than a chain, and who I trust. I have had no TPMS issues (touches bonce) and I have checked pressures both on the dash and via iSmart.
  11. QLeo

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    I promised to report back when I had a little more info on the Goodyear tyres I recently fitted to Goth Leo. Apart from the first trip home, recently we have mostly been nipping in to the village and back and we know from previous trips, the efficiency varies a lot on thoose trips, for reasons...
  12. QLeo

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Yeah, followed it from the link above. Whew. A bit warm, in that thread...
  13. QLeo

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Makes for an interesting read. The ZS forum people have a lot of questions....
  14. QLeo

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Yes. It alls sounds really odd. But, to give them their due, it looks as though the police were pretty clued up.
  15. QLeo

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    That's OK - Seeing your avatar, it's hard to fit all that into 48k! :)
  16. QLeo

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Ah - as you were - it was a ZS BBC link - 'I was kidnapped by my runaway electric car'
  17. QLeo

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    I agree, but it's a Grauniad link. I would never post a link or reference that site.
  18. QLeo

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Does anyone know what model of MG was involved in this scary incident?
  19. QLeo

    Do any quality manufacturers offer 12V batteries for MG4?

    I suppose if the heater is on, it could draw quite a lot, presumably from the 12V side. Not as much, or for as short a duration as engine cranking, but probably rules out using something like a lithium battery for this, apart from the different recharge regime.
  20. QLeo

    Do you name your car? If so what did you call it?

    Ours is Leo, aka Goth Leo, to distinguish him from his predecessor, also Leo. Our past includes The Wuzz, Xerxes, Ernie, Alfie, Gunther, Alfie II, Lucia, Angus, Ruairidh Mor, Mungo, Lucie 2, and Isabella.
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