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  1. T

    Emergency braking causing injury

    But the Greatscott car seemed to suffer an extreme reaction, resulting in slight injury. If this was "normal" we would all know about it. Therefore it seems likely that there is something wrong with that car.
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    Emergency braking causing injury

    Is it possible the radar unit is incorrectly aligned? I have had some phantom braking, but only slight. The worst was when a car pulled out of a side turning in front of me, but quickly disengaged.
  3. T

    AC charging tip

    I don't know where you got 10k ohms from, did you measure it? I would expect the output impedance of the wallbox to be lower, as you say, but my conjecture is that the ac pins connect first, so if the car end is plugged in first, a short time of the coiled cable conducting ac is possible...
  4. T

    V2L Earthing - how?

    Breakdown isolation voltages on isolation transformers is very high, and even higher on medical devices. It is a risk I would prefer in order to keep an isolated supply which could remain isolated right through the charger. However, as you say, the risk in any normal set-up is pretty low. A few...
  5. T

    V2L Earthing - how?

    Staffex does offer a good solution to providing a fully floating supply which can then be used to supply a car charger. In fact, removing any earth might be a better solution than using an earth rod - keep the whole thing floating. The problem is size and cost, as a 3kW isolating transformer is...
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    400 mile day....

    Yes, but worth reminding oneself that adding an extra 2 hours to a 7 hour journey is a price we pay.
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    Vehicle Control System Fault error

    Good call. probably worth trying a new 12v battery. It might save a lot of hassle....
  8. T

    400 mile day....

    Well done, interesting trip. Two points come to mind: 1. If it had been cold you would probably have had to use the heater and blower, drastically cutting your battery reserves. 2. In my E320cdi, I could have done the whole trip without stopping at all.
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    Balance charging

    But my question is, does the balancing protocol only start after a period of proper charging?
  10. T

    Balance charging

    My car is a gen1 and the chsrger was ready to go. In fact on connecting it did appear to charge for a very short time (say 10 seconds) before displaying "connected but not charging". But my question is, does the balancing protocol only start after a period of proper charging?
  11. T

    AC charging tip

    Well there is a pin in the plug that enables or disables the charging system according to some handshaking system. I have no idea of the input impedance at the car of that pin, but it is just conceivable that a spurious signal could act to inhibit the charge. That may supposition may require...
  12. T

    Balance charging

    Recently, I connected my car to the charger although the main battery had more charge than I thought. The dashboard displayed " connected but not charging". Does this mean it would not balance charge? In other words, will it only balance charge after a period of proper charging?
  13. T

    Power steering play!

    That is fascinating. So if you can hear clicking or feel play in the steering, it is not going to be the subject of a recall notice as it is not a "serious safety defect"? Bizarre Maybe explains Grenfell tower!
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    Complete electronic failure

    Well that looks like another one where many forum members say "must be a fabrication, its impossible". Very worrying. Where complicated software is in control, virtually nothing is impossible.
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    Sat Nav

    I have had issues with the satnav, but I use it for local trips. The worst bit is the touch screen to enter postcode, never known one so bad.
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    Wiper Blades

    At the second MOT, they insisted on new wiper blades at a cost of £40, but they said they would have to fail it otherwise. But standard MG ones seem fine to me.
  17. T

    Complaint to MG

    I am surprised they bought back a 4 year old car. I remember the days when cars were nearly ready for the scrap heap when 4 years old.
  18. T

    Balance charging

    Ok, that's a start, thanks. If I allow an extra 6 hours, once a month, I guess that should cover it?
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    Balance charging

    Yes, but I really need to know roughly how much balancing is required - that's the question! I may be already covering all it needs.
  20. T

    Balance charging

    Well often the fours hours is enough to fully charge and allow a bit of balancing. Sometimes there is no balancing if I have driven more the day before. That's the question, how much balancing is required? If I increased the normal running hours to 5 by running the timer on to 5.30 am say, then...
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