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  1. O

    Future Classics ?⚡

    I had a similarly themed post 14 months back , future modern classics, absolutely. A car you can turn off features which will one day be compulsory, a car you can steer yourself? Oh yes please. Society will move on in its sheep like obedience nature but the black sheep will always exist and...
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    MG4 64kWh trophy displayed battery percentage

    Sometimes up to 20 kms it does not change, then after 60kms it reverts to what it should have been if it had been linear from the start. 40 kms is a record , congratulations???
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    Joke thread

    Yep! the flat earth society are up in arms. o_O
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    Condensation in the cabin in cold weather

    See what you have started now! Rolfe is going to have to merge threads again. :eek:
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    Condensation in the cabin in cold weather

    Whilst sat in a darkened ( apart from the non extinguishable DRLs ) carpark the other night waiting for my wife. Outside temp -2c , Bored, I watched the range drop and percentage drop as I had the A/C and heating on along with some Talking Heads. Over the half hour period the range dropped 7kms...
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    Makes me Smile (XPower praise)

    Have you met Ian , Bus?
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    Going to Spain?

    Sorry for the confusion, Jan 1st 2026 is what I meant , English teacher would be aghast with my laziness. D- .
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    Going to Spain?

    New Spanish regs state ,that as from Jan 26 the red warning triangle will be abolished and must be replaced with an approved orange flashing light which magnetically attaches to the roof. This also has a GPS and some sort of Sim card which can alert the emergency services to your position . All...
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    Tried that when waiting months for my order , no success! Mine came to Marseille, for southern French deliveries, then probably onwards to Avonmouth and then Zeebrugge. Try seeing which car carriers are in those ports? Stocks of new cars in France are low and there are rumours that MG will not...
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    Highest mileage MG4 owner

    I had a "lowered " mini metro many years ago. Hydro elastic suspension used to leak so ran on the bump stops with the tyres taking all the suspension movement , twisty, bumpy, country road commute with it sticking to the road like glue, saw new tyres every 8000 miles, Loads of fun at 15 quid...
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    SOH @ 86.7% at second service

    The reliability of measuring SOH is one that's going to confound us all ( all EVs ) for a long while to come. It appears to have a variability week to week if not day to day and so depends on which day it was performed and also on the accuracy and variability of the different measuring devices...
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    SOH @ 86.7% at second service

    Interesting, a 12% loss, have you noticed a corresponding loss in total range ( both guessometer and actual ) when charging to 100% as from new?
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    News from France

    Possible but only if in the very unlikely prospect of there being a bar serving Guinness, near to the chosen dealer.!!! 😵‍💫 I have thought that, would a UK dealer service validate a Eurozone MG warranty, is there one MG computer system which is accessible to all MG franchises or are they...
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    News from France

    True, but the distance between surviving franchises is greater here than the UK, which in turn may provide additional problems should the pre-planned works do not go to schedule. I had a quick look at Trustpilot reviews on both UK and France MG dealers. ( not recommended bedtime viewing ) and...
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    New MG4 Owner 😊

    Today, there are a few drivers who drive exactly to the rules or just below ( just in case ) who act like regulating policemen by making sure that everyone else follows their lead. If anyone attempts to overtake they will pull out to the centre line to scupper that manoeuvre , so they are aware...
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    Rear lights condensing on MG4 SE

    Mmmmm! Entropy!
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    Stop Looking At My Car!!!

    No, just ass-ing about!🐎
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    Can anyone (Can't select D or R)

    It's all wired. 😀
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    Can anyone (Can't select D or R)

    Manually turn off the handbrake, will allow you to D or R without seatbelt.
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