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    News from France

    A quick look on the new cars for sale in France reveals that there are only around 500 new pure electric MGs of any flavour available in France. Mainly 4 trophy's , a few X powers , no 77 kWh and no SE LRs. A few ZSs and 1 MG5. Not many Marvels, and no Cybersters. Maybe it's because of the...
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    Windscreen washer gunk

    As a biological weapon , its handy to cover the Audi or BMW who is right up your chuff, in stinking window wash. Every cloud......... o_O o_O o_O
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    Windscreen washer gunk

    Maybe try putting a hose pipe in and try flushing it out via the filler hole?
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    How do I make the symbols disappear on MG4 Trophy screen

    Or not! as the case may be. :cool:
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    Mg4 parking brake stuck on

    Perhaps, whilst an assistant in the drivers seat tries to release them , use a screwdriver poked through the wheel onto the caliper body and tap with a hammer to provide a bit of shock. Should also show which one is sticking more than the other. ( if both )
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    Enfield 8000: an EV by a shipping tycoon and produced on 2 islands, in Greece and GB !

    Is it me or does it have more ground clearance than that jet engine?
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    Out with the old, in with the new...

    Ours is our first ever brand new car, I never wanted to buy new , but after researching every option , new /secondhand, electric ,diesel, petrol for a similar sized car not even considering its automatic and the performance and its insurance bracket , the MG4 SE/LR was the second cheapest option...
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    Condensation in the cabin in cold weather

    Came back from the river today ( 18 kms ) with three wet dogs on the back seat , huffing and puffing, any misting up was cleared in seconds on the front windows , the back screen took around a minute to clear to see , two minutes to clear fully. A/C was mainly off with just the occasional blast...
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    Out with the old, in with the new...

    Nice story with a happy customer at the end of it. Lets hope that the confidence you have in MG can be replicated by us all in the future? One in the eye for all those newspapers and Youtubers who are saying EV owners are going back to ICE. ;)
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    Worst car I've ever had

    You have had 4 pages of mainly helpful advice but either cannot or refuse to acknowledge that you are at fault. Your opening comments state ,"its worse than I imagined " which implies you either wanted to see it at its worst , or its all imagined and you reside under a bridge in Norway. Maybe a...
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    Windscreen wiper obstructed by bonnet

    I fear you are right and that's the future, hopefully ,over my dead body, I'm bequeathing my ashes to the Tarmac company. The more rebellious will become like Harrison Ford in Bladerunner and rip out the robotic driver from Johnny cabs to take personal control to reach their destination.
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    What an excellent design feature ...

    Try Youtube?. Or BBC i player with VPN and a couple of white lies. :devilish:
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    Problems with granny lead

    A lot of standard extension leads especially those on rolls have thermal cut out switches designed to cut the power before the fuse blows. A heavy duty one may also have the same, unroll it all the way if using one.
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    Worst car I've ever had

    If I may as be bold to say, on behalf of everyone on this forum and all MG owners everywhere, and taking a leaf out of the latest advertising parlance. I have had up to 0% problems with my car and up to 100% reliability and driving pleasure and ease of use. I am assured it has up to 100%...
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    What an excellent design feature ...

    Or in Blackadder 3. 😬
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    Dog Boot Liner

    I also got some carbon fibre style, sticky backed plastic and put it on the bottom of the door reveal ( the one you use the most) to protect the pristine paint work from mutt claws.
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    Driving through a Ford

    A normal level ford should be OK , but for a extended drive through deeper water the drain holes in the sills would reverse and become filling holes, only to drain out again when you exit. Any internal anti corrosion coatings may be washed off or degraded unseen only to cause future problems .
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    What an excellent design feature ...

    I bet you enjoyed the last 50 kms.;)
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    Dog Boot Liner

    In the MG4 my dogs go on the back seats on a hammock style protector which covers the seat, seat back and back of the front seats. Remember that the boot area is the crumple zone in case any idiot runs in the back of you. :eek:
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    Ice Inside Car - How to Reduce Condensation

    A lowish powered fan/heater on an extension cable to the house with either a timer or manual switch has been recommended by some for when you imagine it will be a problem. Remember to take it out before setting off!!!!!!!! or have a Ring doorbell camera and upload to YT.
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