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  1. Gomev

    Dealer Recommendation - NW London/Home Counties

    Buy from the one that gives best deal, service at one you prefer, pick and mix.
  2. Gomev

    What you having for your Tea/Dinner, tonight. ?

    Uuurrgg...pale insipid looking sausages. They've got to be burnt (or caramelised as they say now) man !!! :)
  3. Gomev

    Reducing non-Tesla access to the Supercharger network

    How do you narrow it down to show V4s only on that site, should we ever need to ?
  4. Gomev

    What you having for your Tea/Dinner, tonight. ?

    I really enjoyed eating haggis when I worked up in Edinburgh, especially the free range stuff, :) but I like faggots of the eating variety too. You wouldn't really know it was offal when you eat it.
  5. Gomev

    Reducing non-Tesla access to the Supercharger network

    Has anything happened ? Has anybody tried a Supercharger ? If you want to check the location of V4 chargers, open to all follow this link and use the filters (top left of page blue funnel symbol and select under Stall type and Open to)
  6. Gomev

    MG5 Map Update?

    Make sure the USB is formatted correctly for the updates to work.
  7. Gomev

    Impact of KERS on tyre wear

    If you don't want to use Autohold then simply use the parking brake and leave it in Drive, no need to use Park.
  8. Gomev

    2 hours I'll never get back.......

    That's nothing :) for September..... Was quite alarmed until I realised these figures cover the entire west of Leeds, a city of 820,000 people.
  9. Gomev

    Android Auto / Google Maps - Speedo

    Thank you for pointing that out, I had forgotten the signature.
  10. Gomev

    Saving sessions

    My savings were not worth the effort before so at 22p I deffo wouldn't bother joining in, so yep they would be dead for me at those Ofgem proposals.
  11. Gomev

    Android Auto / Google Maps - Speedo

    of course.
  12. Gomev

    DIY enclosure for home storage

    Really! If you believe that 3 6W led bulbs create 18W of heat and that 100% of the supplied electrical energy will end up as heat then fair enough. (so which part of the energy is used to produce light ?)
  13. Gomev

    Android Auto / Google Maps - Speedo

    I can't see it despite all the correct settings even while navigating. I flirted with AmiGo for a while and have gone off Waze because of the stupid routes designed to save 1 minute.
  14. Gomev

    First 'fight' with a Tesla driver ...

    Job's a good 'un....gone. Thanks
  15. Gomev

    Kia vehicle to load adapter

    I believe all VTL adapters are essentially the same so probably yes, but I'm sure someone with more info will be along shortly.
  16. Gomev

    Impact of KERS on tyre wear

    As has been stated several times when using autohold you are using the handbrake. (it's not braking for you so it's not called auto-brake). It additionally illuminates the brake lights which is the issue you are complaining about.
  17. Gomev

    Android Auto / Google Maps - Speedo

    In theory the speedo should show on Google maps after a recentish (1 year ?) update. I for the life of me cannot get it to appear. Has anyone else had any success ? Speedo works fine on Waze.
  18. Gomev

    DIY enclosure for home storage

    They may be equivalent of 40W incandescent brightness wise but they don't produce the equivalent heat. As a generalism, LEDs convert over 95% of electrical energy into light, while incandescent bulbs may only convert 10%, so conversely LEDs convert only 5% of electrical energy into heat, while...
  19. Gomev

    Help me choose my provider

    Just leave it set to MG5, it won't care what car you plug in. I too used it for ZS EV and MG5, I then switched to Hyundai Kona and it did integrate with it so now I can see the car SOC etc. on the app. It wouldn't bother me if it didn't as I know how much charge I will get in my cheap...
  20. Gomev

    First 'fight' with a Tesla driver ...

    Ooh I didn't know there was a 'don't suggest' option, I unsubbed a while ago.
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