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  1. RobinH

    ZSEV trophy LR - Best settings for demisting windscreen ZSEV trophy LR

    My settings - Dry conditions: leave it on auto. Wet conditions: air intake external; output to screen & feet; fan adjust between 4 - max depending on how badly it is misting up.
  2. RobinH

    Steering column warranty

    2nd service due soon and I want to get the clicking steering column fixed. I have checked the warranty and it appears to be covered for the full 7 years. Has anyone experienced dealers trying to apply one of the shorter validity exclusions?
  3. RobinH

    New thing happened to me today (unnecessary emergency braking)

    Because of liability issues if you have a collision that the system may have prevented.
  4. RobinH

    Thinking of getting a second hand MG ZS EV. Pros and cons of this car?

    The lane assist is discussed at length elsewhere. It's a total liability so I switched it off the day I got the car and have left it that way ever since. SUV's are naturally either wallowy or too stiffly sprung. I prefer the comfortable option and it just encourages me to slow down a bit.
  5. RobinH

    Thinking of getting a second hand MG ZS EV. Pros and cons of this car?

    I had a back seat passenger on a long trip a couple of weeks ago who claimed she often suffered from car sickness (she mentioned her husband's Audi in particular) and was very complimentary about how smooth the ride was. It's not a car for throwing around and will get bouncy if you try, but it...
  6. RobinH

    MG dealers not specialists?

    It's also quite common to see ICE vehicles (notably Mercedes & BMW) parked on the hard shoulder due to electrical glitches sending them into limp home mode. Fixing faults is not the same as scheduled maintenance. I am on my 3rd EV and I can assure you that maintenance costs, IE servicing, is...
  7. RobinH

    Foot brake ..regen?

    Personally it doesn't bother me. I rarely use ACC and KERS3 is enough for mostly one pedal driving. Any gains in efficiency from extra regen would be offset by the cost of replacing rear brake discs that have corroded from lack of use (I'm looking at you Ampera/Volt....).
  8. RobinH

    Foot brake ..regen?

    The ZS is an EV adaptation of an ICE platform so the braking & regen systems are not integrated. I recall reading that the next gen will be based on the MG4 platform so that should have proper integration.
  9. RobinH

    MFG rapid chargers up to 150kW

    I used a 150kW MFG at the weekend for a 30% - 50% top up and it ran at over 80kW for the entire charge, peaking at 84. Clearly perfect conditions as 40-50kW has been more normal on that charger over the winter. Whether it's the car or the charger limiting the theoretical maximum charge rate...
  10. RobinH

    Advice on new car choice - MG ZS EV... Or not?

    Agree with @AAA mileage club on this. Someone is fobbing you off to avoid doing their job.
  11. RobinH

    Warranty question

    There is nothing in the functionality of those parts that would be affected by whether a service has been carried out or not. Whilst they may be able to legally refuse the warranty claim you can argue that you have acted in good faith and you expect MG to do the same. Good luck ?
  12. RobinH


    Yes. Your consumer unit should trip in the event of any surges.
  13. RobinH

    Condensation in rear light clusters

    Ampera's all did it. Lots got replaced under warranty but the replacements all did it too. A few owners found drilling small holes in the bottom allowed the condensation to vent but I never bothered with mine and it never became a real problem.
  14. RobinH

    Water ingress from the charging port causing HV battery shut off

    Completely agree. Surprising, and I would argue negligent on their part. If the absence of rubber bungs is cause to refuse a warranty claim their absence should absolutely have been picked up and noted (with a quote to replace) in a service.
  15. RobinH

    Uber newbie to the EV world and...............

    Just trying to be helpful & friendly. Sad that you felt the need to take offence. Hey ho.
  16. RobinH

    Uber newbie to the EV world and...............

    Plan a 20 minute coffee & charge stop each way (plus a full charge at your destination) and it will do a 200 mile each way trip comfortably, all year, all conditions, with minimal anxiety. Badge snobbery and ZS Vs Niro...? That's more subjective and entirely your call. Either one should be fine.
  17. RobinH

    Car Wash

    Yes, but you don't really need our permission! Remember to remove the aerial and you should be fine.
  18. RobinH

    Cruise Control not disengaging

    It's a feature rather than a flaw! Turn the car off then flick the wiper stalk down once and the wipers will move to a vertical position allowing them to be lifted. My old Volt had the same "feature".
  19. RobinH

    AC charging tip

    Finally had occasion to use the MG supplied AC charge cable at the weekend - parking in Windsor for 6 hours so decided to use the BLink charge point. Downloaded the app, gave it all the details, could not get the charger to connect to the car. Phoned the helpline, they reset the charger, talked...
  20. RobinH

    Battery life and replacement cost

    In aerospace, spares markup on out of production parts is often x5 - x10. I would be surprised if automotive is any different.
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