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  1. tonybridge

    MG4, not a good car.

    I’m a gadget guy, and was very taken with the BYD - until I saw the reviews, and the negative comments about the driving. So I’ll keep an eye on them, they can only get better. Agree about the looks of the MG4, though not 100% sure about the rear end from some angles. Didn’t know about the RA...
  2. tonybridge

    TJA Warning

    Yes, I get it… the point of my reply was, why would you or anyone else use TJA in the first place? Sorry to hijack your post, just curious to know why it would be used in this way.
  3. tonybridge

    TJA Warning

    I don’t understand why TJA would be used on a straight Norfolk road, with light, fast-moving traffic? I know you say, ‘not designed for this’, so I’m intrigued as to why you would use it in the first place (and I’m sure you have good reasons, can you share?). fwiw, I’ve never used TJA, I don’t...
  4. tonybridge

    Abusing the TJA.

    Bricktop, I know you keep emphasising that TJA is not meant for motorway driving, and I don't get why anyone would do it. It seems to me that you would need to absolutely monitor it every second - so why not just turn it off and drive as normal? However, I find that on the motorway, ACC is...
  5. tonybridge

    To go Extended range - To XR or not XR.

    The XPower was announced as we were sitting in the dealer's showroom, putting a deposit on a new 4LR... it was only another few £K - I started to say to the sales guy, 'Er, about the XPower...', and my other half kicked me under the table and gave me THE LOOK :cry: But, tbh, the acceleration of...
  6. tonybridge

    No Traffic Announcements....

    I was going to post about this some days ago, when I travelled back to Berkshire from Wakefield, Yorkshire. My default radio station at home is LBC, which has Traffic News at the quarter past and the quarter to the hour - but not for some odd reason, in the car :unsure:
  7. tonybridge

    MG4, not a good car.

    Personally, I only use ACC on a motorway (when it works perfectly) - I can't see why you would use it on urban roads. EDIT: OK, I use it in traffic jams... but not during normal driving
  8. tonybridge

    Unexpected braking y'think ??

    This is obviously a result of the car behind going w-a-a-y too fast. Not the MG's fault at all, and I think people here moaning about the on-board computer have got the wrong end of the stick. For what it's worth, I have only once had the emergency braking occurence, and the guy behind was...
  9. tonybridge

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Monday - a Tango going north on the M1 just south of Wakefield, about 1 o'clock. 15 minutes later, a Blue MG4 also heading north... on the back of a flatbed :-(
  10. tonybridge

    Endless problems with this terrible car

    After test driving the MG4, we went straight to the VW dealer and drove an ID3. It was just awful… plus, the Sales guy was hopeless, we knew more than he did about EVs. ? Went straight back to the MG dealer (Bulldog, in Twyford, Berks - very clued-up people there, sadly now closed down for MG...
  11. tonybridge

    Heating/Aircon Screen - how to disable?

    Brilliant, webhiker, thanks!
  12. tonybridge

    Heating/Aircon Screen - how to disable?

    Is there a way to disable or work around the normal behaviour of the screen when switching on the Aircon? By default, the Aircon adjustment screen appears when you press the Aircon button - which normally is fine: but if I'm using the Google Maps Navigation from my phone via CarPlay, I then have...
  13. tonybridge

    Endless problems with this terrible car

    You have an MG4 boat?! Most of what you say makes no sense...
  14. tonybridge

    Mirror indicator distraction.

    Switched off now…. One minute before I needed it at a blind junction ?
  15. tonybridge

    Mirror indicator distraction.

    Thanks Bricktop - couldn’t find it in the manual
  16. tonybridge

    Mirror indicator distraction.

    :rolleyes: That was my next question ('Can I turn it off'...) Thank you!
  17. tonybridge

    Mirror indicator distraction.

    That doesn't worry me at all. What does worry me is when the 360 camera kicks in - it seems to be random, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. And it's pretty useless anyway, as I always like to look in the door mirror for the biker coming up beside me (who would be a **** for doing that...
  18. tonybridge

    Mirror indicator distraction.

    Changing gear in a MG4 is going to be interesting :)
  19. tonybridge

    New cars stressful ??

    Picked my new car up at 10:30. At 11:00, I was driving through Cookham High Street, which is notoriously narrow, with sharp granite kerbs either side - a Transit moved out to pass a parked car, and our door mirrors touched ?. Got home, my plumber turned up to service my boiler - he finished...
  20. tonybridge

    Got a new quirky fault !

    I'm sure my humble MG4 can beat any ICE off the lights... for the first 20 metres :-)
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