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  1. tonybridge

    Car Theft

    I put my spare key in the fridge :giggle:
  2. tonybridge

    Automatic High Beam Issues

    I wrote: <I'm afraid my reactions seem quicker than the car's> I meant that, for example I can see an approaching car's headlights before he gets to the bend, while my HBA only sees the headlights once they are in full view, and the driver already dazzled.
  3. tonybridge

    Lane Keep Assist love.....

    Not sarcasm at all, just pointing out the oxymoron.
  4. tonybridge

    Automatic High Beam Issues

    I assessed HBA in the first few days of ownership - I'm afraid my reactions seem quicker than the car's, so I switched it off, and it stays off.
  5. tonybridge

    Positive Vibes for the MG4

    The price differential between Tesla and MG4 equates to an awful lot of services...
  6. tonybridge

    What is the age profile of MG4 owner drivers?

    Boy Racers never get old... or should I say, you're never too old to be a Boy (or Girl!) Racer? I'm 78, and still love driving.
  7. tonybridge

    Are you happy with your MG4?

    'the speed limit recognition still needs the old procedure to turn it off' Really? It seems to be opt-in with my Trophy? (s./ware R40)
  8. tonybridge

    Lane Keep Assist love.....

    It's probably a Trophy thing to not be concerned by LKA - I never turn off LKA (I think it's still on default, is that High, or something?), and it gives me just the occasional twitch, absolutely not dangerous at all! But I do wonder why drivers would want to disconnect with the car by turning...
  9. tonybridge

    Positive Vibes for the MG4

    'Cash grab' from MG or Tesla? :ROFLMAO:
  10. tonybridge

    Lane Keep Assist love.....

    Switching on the safety features is incredibly dangerous? :unsure:
  11. tonybridge

    Setting the charge period

    We’ve had an Ohme home charger for a few weeks now… and I’m still trying to get my head around it ? Essentially, you have to come at charging from a different angle if you want to take advantage of the Intelligent Go tariff: you ask the Ohme app to charge to a certain percentage (for example...
  12. tonybridge

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    I'm another of the few... I've had my Trophy for about 4 months now, and although the LKA is a bit tedious with all its beeping, the slight twitches of the wheel are never scary. I have everything on default, and don't spend several minutes at start up, switching things off.
  13. tonybridge

    MG4 hasn’t charged overnight again…

    Yes, the little niggles around the car's software can be fun... but the Traffic News volume is something that has been with us for years.
  14. tonybridge

    Four way indicators randomly flashing

    As others have said, it's a Rear Collision warning - so if someone approaches too fast from behind, the hazards will flash three times to warn the following driver. You can help them by anticipating the traffic in front of you and not slamming on the brakes :ROFLMAO:
  15. tonybridge

    Positive Vibes for the MG4

    -22?! Wow....
  16. tonybridge

    Traffic Jam Assist

    I can't imagine driving with ACC along a twisty country road o_O sorry, but I think I need to be in control of negotiating corners! But if you're happy with it, who am I to argue.... :p
  17. tonybridge

    Traffic Jam Assist

    I wouldn't use ACC on narrow, winding roads, only on a motorway. As for TJA, I've never used it (seems to me that ACC covers this pretty well, and surely I could manage to actually steer the car? :ROFLMAO: ), but it is on the list of things to try at some point.
  18. tonybridge

    Applegreen Chargers at Warwick

    Last November, returning from a family wedding in Worcester, I called in at the Warwick Services on the southbound M40 for a quick top-up for my 4LR. This was my first-ever attempt at public charging. The two (count them!) chargers that I was heading for were of course occupied. I hadn't done my...
  19. tonybridge

    Positive Vibes for the MG4

    I was on the M40 yesterday, driving south in the murk and drizzle - ACC was a god-send, made the drive a lot more relaxing. Never used the vanilla Cruise Control on my last ICE cars, but this ACC is wonderful.
  20. tonybridge

    Led rear indicator and reverse lamps

    That's what was shocking!
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