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    Rubbish brake discs. MG HS Phev

    Have you checked your pads, because your discs should not be scored. It suggests to me that you could be down to the metal, which would be odd as the rear discs don't wear at the same rate as the fronts. My van did over 17,000 on the rears and the only reason they needed replacing was because...
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    First car, first week, first scrape :(

    I've been driving nigh on 60 years and have still managed to scrape my vehicle. I know it's a first car but hey, it's only a lump of metal on four wheels, and you're okay that's the main thing.
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    Hs PHEV insurance premiums

    I'd have the buggers crushed along with the vehicle ?
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    Summer's here.

    I agree totally. The less input needed the less attention. Driving a modern car feels almost like being in a video. This was brought home to me a couple of weeks ago when me and the missuss hired a Morgan. Now that's old school driving - no power this or that, a clutch which gave the left leg a...
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    Chinese EV Ponzi scheme = fields full of EVs unused!

    Agree totally, and at least we can also critisise our Government -for now at least !
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    Chinese EV Ponzi scheme = fields full of EVs unused!

    They say there's nothing new under the sun: people of a certain age may remember the 'wine lakes' and 'butter mountains' a few decades ago.
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    Chinese EV Ponzi scheme = fields full of EVs unused!

    Surely pushing up the price is self defeating, as one of the obstacles to EV ownership is the cost. I would have thought if the price was nearer to that of an average ICE vehicle that the man in the street can afford EV ownership would rocket.
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    Chinese EV Ponzi scheme = fields full of EVs unused!

    Indeed, but this is another dimension surely? As to the assertion that the West is just as guilty which is debatable, it doesn't make what the Chinese are up to any less reprehensible.
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    Chinese EV Ponzi scheme = fields full of EVs unused!

    If I had an MG on order, I'd be cancelling it. This whole EV nonsense is nothing to do with saving the planet, and everything to do with making big bucks .
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    Do you have to get your air con re gassed?

    Never regassed our Meriva in the 7 years we had it.
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    Summer's here.

    That really annoyed me, never mind you! Didn't get their reg. numbers by any chance?
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    Summer's here.

    It depends on how you view other road users. Ideally, as caravanners pay to use the roads they are just as entitled as any other vehicle owner. The fact that they can cause tailbacks is no different than those as a result of an HGV ahead of a queue, and to be fair some towers I've followed have...
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    Summer's here.

    Yep, seen all the videos and still don't know what I'm doing wrong! Put it down to Old Age and stupidity ? How true, and the occasional signal wouldn't go amiss. There's been a noticeable increase in arrogance, ignorance and intolerance over the last 25 years sadly.
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    Summer's here.

    I saw that, and I have to admit it did make me smile.
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    Summer's here.

    TBH, I doubt if I could pick up the RE! It's weird, but every time I've dropped a bike somebody has always appeared within minutes to help me out (at least 4times!)
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    Summer's here.

    That's totally irresponsible and unacceptable,and one of the reasons why motorcyclists get a bad name. There are old bikers and fast bikers but very few old fast bikers! The noise is bad enough in a car, on a cycle, well I take your point! These idiots won't get to their destination much quicker...
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    Summer's here.

    Well I'm still biking having got electric and ICE machines, and I thank you for a very useful post. By the same token bikers should make allowances for not being seen, and also not go howling past cars as if the road is a racetrack. A modicum of give and take on both sides will be safer and...
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    500 miles in….

    Surely that depends upon how you apply it. A gentle 'toot' rather than weighing on the horn should suffice. If some snowflake objects to that I would ask them if they'd rather get run over!
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    500 miles in….

    Is it not fitted with a horn?
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