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    Spam phone calls after ordering accessories from Ali Express

    One jolly wheeze is to say you're going to fetch the householder then p*** off!
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    Spam phone calls after ordering accessories from Ali Express

    Brilliant, but isn't it a shame that's the sort of thing that has to be done as the authorities seem to be so ineffectual.
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    Spam phone calls after ordering accessories from Ali Express

    This I must see. Quite agree with you ?
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    Spam phone calls after ordering accessories from Ali Express

    I take the view if it's important they'll leave a message .
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    Spam phone calls after ordering accessories from Ali Express

    We have caller ID. If we don't recognise the number it gets ignored, so our spam calls are virtually non existent.
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    Emergency braking on level crossing with no nearby cars

    Good point, though that's assuming you lived long enough to get to court?
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    Charging door pin

    Hi Xerker, there's a chap in Telford called Oliver Williams who has done 3D printing for me. Here's his details: Printotype Ltd. Mobile: 07929130201 Email: [email protected] Hope this helps.
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    Budgen Shrewsbury - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    Originally ordered an MzG 5 December 2021 on a 0% finance deal and paid a deposit. Despite contacting Budgens several times to get proof of order for the installation of a home power point, with promises to get back to me that didn't happen until: a) The Government grant on the car and power...
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    Emergency braking on level crossing with no nearby cars

    What nobody has commented on is the fact that you can be prosecuted for stopping on a level crossing, which under the circumstances would be the icing on the cake.
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    Some Very Interesting Points Made - Worth Watching…

    There's much in what you say Gomez. Having said that I thought that I'd researched thoroughly, but the amount of real world knowledge I've read on this forum has made me realise how little I knew.
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    Wet Passenger Footwell

    There's no doubt the wet carpets are causing the misting.I had a similar problem with my old Ford Escort van many years ago as water was coming in at the top of the bulkhead, to such an extent that after heavy rain it used to cause a mini tidal wave on accelerating and braking!
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    Some Very Interesting Points Made - Worth Watching…

    Sadly, EV's much vaunted 'save the Planet ' credentials were never and will never be the answer. They have their place and indeed I love the concept and the driving experience, but they're too much hassle and far too expensive at present, which is why with equal measures of regret and relief I...
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    Getting deposit back

    The boot will be on the other foot very shortly, and people will remember how they've been treated and by whom!
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    This forum is truly a goldmine?
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    One lives in hope! No, but I'm willing to be informed ?
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    I have a feeling that this has gone on since time immoral, sorry, immemorial - oh I don't know tho'?
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    Wet Passenger Footwell

    Could a blocked scuttle cause this?
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    Vehicle Clock / Time Wrong

    And an electric starter, which worked by pulling on cable/knob on the 'dashboard'. This was attached to an arm on the starter motor. No solenoids as I remember!
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    Vehicle Clock / Time Wrong

    For basic try an Austin 7 Ruby ?
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