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    Do we need an S option ?

    TBH, most of the time I'm in 'custom' and keeping to legal speeds. Thumb out of Bum tho' 'cos you don't normally get a second chance on a motorcycle if you're not concentrating?
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    Do we need an S option ?

    Archev beat me to it!
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    Do we need an S option ?

    Must admit the first time I used it I had a Bum Pucker Factor of 10! Nowadays I keep it at 40% power and restrict the top speed to 60 mph. Unless I have an attack if hooliganism ?
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    Do we need an S option ?

    And on my Zero electric motorcycle. It also has a sport mode (0-60 in 3 seconds) which is very addictive!!
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    Octopus Electric Universe

    So does mine, but they changed the app on August the 24th, so you can up date the app if you want to.
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    Octopus Electric Universe

    It's their new name for what was called Electric Juice.
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    £1 per kWh

    I'm bloody glad my MG5 deal fell through now, so I'm getting a dual fuel Dacia, and with Autogas near me at around 75p a litre as far as I'm concerned it's a no brainer!
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    Free home charging point ?

    You're lucky, I'm still working four days a week at the age of 75 with no prospect of ever retiring if the current economic situation prevails!
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    I had some equipment stolen off my van in the 15 minutes I was away from it, and I was parked down a 70yard drive 20 feet in front of a ground floor office block not viewable from the road!
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    Auto vs EV mode, which is better?

    I used to get icing problems on a motorbike in cold weather, where after a run at at 50/60 mph, when I shut down, the engine would stall as I learned to my cost on the M5 in lane 3! A fuel stabilizer cured the problem, added to which the octane rating was raised, and the engine ran cooler...
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    Auto vs EV mode, which is better?

    Your fuel tank, unless full, will have an air gap. Air contains moisture, therefore in the winter months the E10, and E5, for that matter will absorb moisture. Condensation is also another consideration.
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    Auto vs EV mode, which is better?

    Bear in mind this E10 p*** is hygroscopic, so in the winter months it will absorb moisture. Personally I'd add a fuel stabilizer if you are not going to be using much fuel.
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    Charged to 100% for a long(ish) trip

    We seem to be getting away from the original speed limit scenario which was inappropriate limits that make no sense. You could argue that most people would drive according to the prevailing conditions if limits no longer applied, but we've all seen the lunatics bombing down the motorways, in...
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    Charged to 100% for a long(ish) trip

    Gawd, I hope not, there's enough carnage on the roads as it is!
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    Charged to 100% for a long(ish) trip

    Absolutely. My van objects to going under 30 mph in 4th, so how is dropping down another gear going to help, never mind the increased fuel consumption?
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    Charged to 100% for a long(ish) trip

    I could understand that in a town environment but a motorway?? I haven't seen crowds of folk standing in the hard shoulder gave you? The bottom line I reckon is Government is gradually trying to make personal transport a thing of the past.
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    Charged to 100% for a long(ish) trip

    I'm all for limits where appropriate, indeed there are times when a posted limited can be too high for the prevailing conditions, after all these are the maximums set, not necessarily a goal to reach. What I object to are arbitrary speeds with no reason. We have all seen, I'm sure, a nationwide...
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    Charged to 100% for a long(ish) trip

    No it is not generally accepted, some areas have seen a rise in accidents where implemented, and in any case a 'one size fits all' smacks of lazy thinking not scientific benefit.
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    Charged to 100% for a long(ish) trip

    Amazing how money can be found for non essentials. How much is HS2 eventually going to cost?
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    Charged to 100% for a long(ish) trip

    According to what I've heard ALL built up areas will be 20 mph throughout the country. Congestion charges for all vehicles will apply, in major towns so so much for your 'green' electric vehicle credentials. Watch as England follows suit! Have a look at Stuart Fillingham's latest u-tube video...
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